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This script converts an ical calendar (for instance, as exported from google calendar) into an org-mode document. It is conceived as a replacement of the awk script located here:

The main difference is that ical2orgpy correctly manages recurring events of "yearly", "daily" and "weekly" types. ical2orgpy duplicates all recurring events falling into a specified time-frame into the exported org-document.


The command ical2orgpy is provided by means of python package ical2orgpy.

You can install with pip (preferably into its own into virtualenv):

$ pip install ical2orgpy

Installation with pipx is recommended because this will manage the virtualenv for you.

Installing from source code

You can install the package directly from git source like this:

$ cd <to project folder>
$ pip install --user .

To use the script, just call:

$ ~/.local/bin/ical2orgpy


Simply use the ical2orgpy command:

$ ical2orgpy --help

or, if installed locally from the git repo:

$ ~/.local/bin/ical2orgpy --help

The script requires two files, the input ics and the output org document. Usually, ical2orgpy is called within a script that grabs the ical file from some source (i.e. Google Calendar), and generates the appropriate org document. Such an script would have the following shape:


# customize these
WGET=<path to wget>
ICS2ORG=<path to ical2org>
ORGFILE=<path to orgfile>
URL=<url to your private Google calendar>

# no customization needed below

rm -f $ICSFILE

See further instructions here:


Clone the repository and cd into it.

Create a virtualenv and install dependencies:

$ pip install .
$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt

Run tests to check everything is working:

$ pytest

You can also use tox to create the virtualenv e.g.:

$ tox -e py39

Then activate the virtualenv:

$ source .tox/py39/bin/activate

And use the package.