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Implementation of Deep Surrogate Assisted Generation of Environments


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Deep Surrogate Assisted Generation of Environments

This repository is the official implementation of "Deep Surrogate Assisted Generation of Environments" published in NeurIPS 2022.

For more information, refer to the following links:



  • config/: gin configuration files.
  • src/: Python implementation and related tools.
  • scripts/: Bash scripts.


  1. Install Singularity: All of our code runs in a Singularity container. Singularity is a container platform (similar in many ways to Docker). Please see the instructions here for installing Singularity 3.6.
  2. Build the Container: Build the Singularity container with
    sudo make container.sif
  3. Install NVIDIA Drivers and CUDA: The node where the main script runs should have a GPU with NVIDIA drivers and CUDA installed (in the future, we may try to put CUDA in the container instead).

Running on HPC with Singularity

  1. Follow all the instructions above, and after creating the container, copy container.sif to the HPC, e.g. with scp.


Structure: Dask is the distributed compute library we use. When we run an experiment, we connect to a Dask scheduler, which is in turn connected to one or more Dask workers. Each component runs in a Singularity container.

Overview: The experiment script is located in src/ The following instructions describe how to set up Dask locally or on a cluster running SLURM and run the script.

Note: We assume you have placed this project somewhere in your home directory. Singularity binds the home directory and executes code in it by default. If you need to use another directory, you may want to look into bind mounts for Singularity.

Note: The Makefile has many useful commands. Run make for a full command reference.

Logging Directory Manifest

Regardless of where the script is run, the log files and results are placed in a logging directory in logs/. The directory's name is of the form %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_<dashed-name>_<uuid>, e.g. 2020-12-01_15-00-30_experiment-1_ff1dcb2b. Inside each directory are the following files:

- config.gin  # All experiment config variables, lumped into one file.
- seed  # Text file containing the seed for the experiment.
- reload.pkl  # Data necessary to reload the experiment if it fails.
- reload_em.pkl  # Pickle data for EmulationModel.
- reload_em.pth  # PyTorch models for EmulationModel.
- metrics.json  # Data for a MetricLogger with info from the entire run, e.g. QD score.
-  # Same as the config in the Slurm dir, if Slurm is used.
- archive/  # Snapshots of the full archive, including solutions and metadata,
            # in pickle format.
- archive_history.pkl  # Stores objective values and behavior values necessary
                       # to reconstruct the archive. Solutions and metadata are
                       # excluded to save memory.
- dashboard_status.txt  # Job status which can be picked up by dashboard scripts.
                        # Only used during execution.
- slurm_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS/  # Slurm log dir (only exists if using Slurm).
                              # There can be a few of these if there were reloads.
  - config/
    -  # Possibly has a different name.
  - job_ids.txt  # Job IDs; can be used to cancel job (scripts/
  - logdir  # File containing the name of the main logdir.
  - scheduler.slurm  # Slurm script for scheduler and experiment invocation.
  - scheduler.out  # stdout and stderr from running scheduler.slurm.
  - worker-{i}.slurm  # Slurm script for worker i.
  - worker-{i}.out  # stdout and stderr for worker i.

Running Locally

Single Run

To run one experiment locally, use:


For instance, with 4 workers:

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 4

CONFIG is the gin experiment config for src.main.

Running on Slurm

Use the following command to run an experiment on an HPC with Slurm (and Singularity) installed:


For example:

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 config/hpc/

CONFIG is the experiment config for src.main, and HPC_CONFIG is a shell file that is sourced by the script to provide configuration for the Slurm cluster. See config/hpc for example files.

Once the script has run, it will output commands like the following:

  • tail -f ... - You can use this to monitor stdout and stderr of the main experiment script. Run it.
  • bash scripts/ ... - This will cancel the job.
  • bash scripts/ ... - This will move the slurm logs into the logging directory. Run it after the experiment has finished.

You can monitor the status of all your Slurm jobs by setting an alias like:

alias swatch="watch \"squeue -o '  %10i %.9P %.2t %.8p %.4D %.3C %.10M %30j %R' -u $USER\""

And then running swatch.

Finally, the script may be helpful for monitoring jobs. It also includes the job listing using the squeue command shown above.

watch scripts/

Since the dashboard output can be quite long, it can be useful to be able to scroll through it. For this, consider an alternative to watch, such as viddy.


While the experiment is running, its state is saved to reload.pkl in the logging directory. If the experiment fails, e.g. due to memory limits, time limits, or network connection issues, reload.pkl may be used to continue the experiment. To do so, execute the same command as before, but append the path to the logging directory of the failed experiment.

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 config/hpc/ -r logs/.../

The experiment will then run to completion in the same logging directory. This works with scripts/ too.

For convenience, scripts/ will also continue an experiment. Note that unlike the command above, which uses configs in the config dir, this script uses configs in the logging directory. This may be useful if configs have changed since the job was originally started. For example:

bash scripts/ logs/.../


There are some tests alongside the code to ensure basic correctness. To run these, start a Singularity container with:

make shell

Within that container, execute:

make test

Reproducing Paper Results

The config/ directory contains the config files required to run the experiments shown in the paper. Below is a brief description of each config:

        dsage.gin: DSAGE
        dsage_only_anc.gin: DSAGE-Only Anc
        dsage_only_down.gin: DSAGE-Only Down
        dsage_basic.gin: DSAGE Basic
        me.gin: MAP-Elites
        dr.gin: Domain Randomization

        dsage_rsample.gin: DSAGE with random sampling instead of downsampling
        dsage_basic_long.gin: DSAGE Basic with longer training to match the total number of training epochs of DSAGE-Only Down
        dsage_only_anc_long.gin: DSAGE-Only Anc with longer training to match the total number of training epochs of DSAGE
            dsage_rep_explore.gin: DSAGE with "repeated visits" and "maze exploration" measures
            dsage_block_explore.gin: DSAGE with "number of wall cells" and "maze exploration" measures
            dsage_block_rep.gin: DSAGE with "number of wall cells" and "repeated visits" measures

        dsage.gin: DSAGE
        dsage_only_anc.gin: DSAGE-Only Anc
        dsage_only_down.gin: DSAGE-Only Down
        dsage_basic.gin: DSAGE Basic
        cma_me.gin: CMA-ME
        dr.gin: Domain Randomization

        dsage_rsample.gin: DSAGE with random sampling instead of downsampling
        dsage_basic_long.gin: DSAGE Basic with longer training to match the total number of training epochs of DSAGE-Only Down
        dsage_only_anc_long.gin: DSAGE-Only Anc with longer training to match the total number of training epochs of DSAGE
            dsage_sky_enemies.gin: DSAGE with "sky tiles" and "enemies killed" measures
            dsage_jumps_enemies.gin: DSAGE with "number of jumps" and "enemies killed" measures

Running with the configs above will produce multiple logging directories, which can be assembled and compiled into results with the instructions in src/analysis/ The results should look like the following:


QD-score Archive Coverage
DSAGE 16,446.60 ± 42.27 0.40 ± 0.00
DSAGE-Only Anc 14,568.00 ± 434.56 0.35 ± 0.01
DSAGE-Only Down 14,205.20 ± 40.86 0.34 ± 0.00
DSAGE Basic 11,740.00 ± 84.13 0.28 ± 0.00
MAP-Elites 10,480.80 ± 150.13 0.25 ± 0.00
DR 5,199.60 ± 30.32 0.13 ± 0.00


QD-score Archive Coverage
DSAGE 4,362.29 ± 72.54 0.30 ± 0.00
DSAGE-Only Anc 2,045.28 ± 201.64 0.16 ± 0.01
DSAGE-Only Down 4,067.42 ± 102.06 0.30 ± 0.01
DSAGE Basic 1,306.11 ± 50.90 0.11 ± 0.01
CMA-ME 1,840.17 ± 95.76 0.13 ± 0.01
DR 92.75 ± 3.01 0.01 ± 0.00


  • In our code, we use the term EmulationModel to refer to the deep surrogate model.
  • We use the terms blocks, tiles, cells interchangeably in the Maze domain.
  • We also use the term cells to denote the cells of the archives, but they are either distinguished by context or we explicitly specify archive cell
  • We use the term augmented data/level or aug data/level in the code to refer to the ancillary agent behavior data (the occupancy grid).


This code is released under the MIT License, with the following exceptions:

  • src/mario/Mario.jar is adapted from the Mario AI Framework, which is released for research purposes.
  • src/mario is adapted from the MarioGAN-LSI repo.
  • src/maze/agents/, src/maze/agents/, src/maze/agents/, src/maze/agents/, and src/maze/envs/ are adapted from the PAIRED codebase, which is released under the Apache-2.0 License, and the DCD repo, which is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
  • src/maze/agents/saved_models/accel_seed_1/model_20000.tar is the pre-trained ACCEL agent used in the experiments and was obtained directly from the original authors with their consent.
  • Various infrastructure files in this repo are adapted from the dqd-rl repo, which is released under the MIT License.


Implementation of Deep Surrogate Assisted Generation of Environments







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