April 24, 2022 circom 2.0.4
Improvement of unused signals removal in constraint optimization.
macos (x86_64) support for cpp backend added: use template to generate makefile (Not available for M1).
wabt dependency swapped to wast dependency instead.
Improvement of the known/unknown analysis.
Single signal declaration with initialization added for both <== and <--.
Input signal size check added in wasm/JS and C++ generated code.
Recommendation of using C++ when the memory needed is beyond WebAssembly limit added.
Making deterministic the R1CS file: constraints will be always written in the R1CS file in the same order.
Fixed Bugs
Bug in C++ error trace management for asserts in functions.
Bug in multiple line(s) comments.
Bug in unassigned inputs of arrays of size 0.
Bug in the use of constant division operation on constraints.
Bug in evaluation of expressions involving subcomponents signals.
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