A Java-based implementation of an L-System generator.
An example L-System "program":
F -> FF[[-FFF@]++FF@]
Supported instructions:
F move pen forward and draw a line
f move pen forward w/o drawing a line
+ turn left by default degrees
- turn right by default degrees
[ push current state (x/y position, angle) on to the context stack
] pop context from stack and discard/replace current state (x/y postion, angle)
@ draw a 'dot' with a specified radius (default is 1/2 current line length)
To build the Elses interpreter using Ant:
ant clean build
To run from the build directory:
java -cp dist org.hccp.elses.Elses
--angle,-a ANGLE The angle to increment/decrement when interpreting '+' or
'-' commands. A range of angle values can be given for the
interpreter to randomly chooose from at each step by using
the form of 'n-m'. For example the argument -a 20-35 would
allow the interpreter to choose values between 20 degrees
and 35 degrees at each step. The default value, if no
angle or range is passed via this argument, is 45 degrees.
--help,-h Prints this message.
--iterations,-i ITERATIONS The number of rule-application iterations.
--line-length,-l LINE_LENGTH The length of each pen move 'F'. A range of
line length values can be given for the
interpreter to randomly chooose from at each
step by using the form of 'n-m'. For example
the argument -l 2-10 would allow the
interpreter to choose values between 2 and 10
at each step. If no line length is specified,
a default line length of 10 will be used.
--x-position,-x INITIAL_X_POSITION The initial x position from which to
begin drawing. The default is 150 (the
center point for a landscape-oriented A3
--y-position,-y INITIAL_Y_POSITION The initial y position from which to
begin drawing. The default is 25.
--rotation ROTATION The number of degrees to rotate the drawing after
initial rendering.
--dot-radius,-r DOT_RADIUS The radius of the circle drawn by a '@' command.
If no radius is selected, a default radius of
1/2 of the current line length will be used.
--width,-w WIDTH Sets the width of the draw-able page to the provided
value. The default is 291 as this matches the width of an
A3 paper in portrait mode.
--height HEIGHT Sets the height of the draw-able page to the provided
value. The default is 420 as this matches the height of an
A3 paper in portrait mode.
For a file, test-003.txt, that contains the following content:
F -> FF[[-FFF@]++FF@]
You can run the following command:
java -cp dist org.hccp.elses.Elses -i 2 -a 10 -r 5 -l 25 -x 150 -y 50 samples/test-003.txt /tmp/lsys-plot.svg
in order to generate an SVG like this:
F -> F+F-F-F+F
Command line:
elses -i 3 -l 10 -a 90 --width 300 --height 200 -x 200 -y -40 --rotation 90 samples/koch.txt samples/koch.svg
F -> F-f+F+f-F
f -> ff
Command line:
elses -i 4 -a 120 --width 200 --height 200 -x 70 -y 50 --rotation -150 samples/sierpinski.txt samples/sierpinski.svg
A bunch of the parsing code and structure is derived from Lox and Robert Nystrom's wonderful book "Crafting Interpreters".