Releases: igmhub/SaclayMocks
Post production
This release is used to do the post production of the 100 realisations.
It is the same code as the release v4.7_4, used to post produce the realisations v4.7.11 to v4.7.20.
The only difference is the definition of nz in We increase its size to avoid spurious correlations from edge to edge of the forest.
This one is the true release of the code using the tuning of the parameters done the 01/04/2020. It correctly includes all the modifications from the fit_p1d branch.
The code is used to produce the end of the 100 pre-production of the desi mocks.
This releases is used to produce the end of the 100 pre-production of the desi mocks.
It uses the last tuning, from beginning of april 2020.
v4.7 bis
This version of the code has been used to produce the first 10 realisations v4.7.1 to v4.7.10.
Version 4.6 of SaclayMocks
This version is used to produce the first 10 realisations out of 100 for the DR16 BAO analysis paper.