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Creates local multi-node database clusters for MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB using Docker containers as nodes. Supports Kubernetes installations with K3D. Concentrated on Percona/Oracle MySQL/MongoDB/Postgresql database products with exact version specified.


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Configuring MySQL, Percona MySQL/Postgresql/Mongo, MongoDB with ansible scripts. Running multi-node replication clusters in Docker and Kubernetes.


  1. Setup Docker, make sure that your user added to the docker group:
  2. Download anydbver binary for Linux (use Darvin for OSX (experimental))
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cd ~/.local/bin
wget -O - | tar xz anydbver
  1. Usually Linux distributions adding ~/.local/bin to the path and it's enough to login/logout. If not, please put anydbver program to the path


  1. Download a new version from releases page
  2. Execute anydbver update to update the version database using the sql file from the head

Getting examples

Anydbver includes a test suite, you may list all deployment commands and run it/modify as you need:

anydbver test list

Previous version, written in python

Following instruction is applicable to the python version. There is no need to do following steps for the golang version.

Non-linux/Easy setup

Vagrant allows to setup a virtual machine and run all required preparation steps. Following procedure setups everything in a virtual machine pre-configured with 8GB RAM and two CPU cores. If you need more resources, edit Vagrantfile accordingly.

git clone
cd anydbver
vagrant up
vagrant ssh default

Simple usage with Docker:

While the Vagrant installation variant is simple and easy to implement, you should use anydbver without virtual machines for better performance/host utilization.

Clone and install sqlite ansible dependency:

git clone
cd anydbver
ansible-galaxy collection install theredgreek.sqlite

Create .anydbver file containing:


Build docker images with systemd and sshd, simulating standalone physical servers:

cd images-build
cd ..

Start Percona Server 5.7 on RockyLinux 8:

cd anydbver
./anydbver deploy ps:5.7

Login to container with Percona Server and connect with mysql command:

./anydbver ssh

Start interactive shell without ssh

./anydbver exec node0


  • git
  • ansible (not just ansible-core)
  • Redhat 7 systemd containers require systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 kernel boot parameter in grub

Multi-node Kubernetes cluster inside Docker

Percona Postgresql Operator

  • Start two 3 node clusters replicated via S3 bucket (MinIO Server), load sample database, cache docker images locally with proxying registry ./anydbver deploy k3d registry-cache: cert-manager:1.7.2 k8s-minio minio-certs:self-signed k8s-pg:1.3.0,namespace=pgo,sql="http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/sampledb/pagila.sql" k8s-pg:1.3.0,namespace=pgo1,standby
    • The script starting S3 server with sql database example could be found at: tools/
    • The script starting caching docker registry: tools/
  • Postgresql and backups to Google GCS
anydbver deploy k3d k8s-pg:1.3.0,backup-type=gcs,bucket=my-gcs-bucket,gcs-key=/full/path/to/gcloud/key.json
anydbver deploy k3d k8s-pg:2.1.0,replicas=1
  • 2.2.0: ./anydbver deploy k3d cert-manager:1.11.0 k8s-minio minio-certs:self-signed k8s-pg:2.2.0,namespace=pgo k8s-pg:2.2.0,namespace=pgo1,standby
  • Use external S3 as a source for the standby cluster:
./anydbver deploy k3d cert-manager:1.11.0 k8s-minio minio-certs:self-signed k8s-pg:2.3.1,namespace=pgo,backup-url=https://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/backup,bucket=backup,backup-type=s3,standby

Percona XtraDB cluster

./anydbver deploy k3d registry-cache: cert-manager:1.7.2 k8s-pxc:1.12.0,name=world,ns=db1,s3sql="http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/sampledb/world.sql",proxysql pmm:2.35.0,helm=percona-helm-charts:1.0.1,certs=self-signed,namespace=monitoring, nginx-ingress:443 loki

Private Docker registry

  • create image
cat > Dockerfile <<EOF
FROM busybox:latest
docker build . -t localhost:5001/ihanick/busybox:latest
docker run -d -p 5001:5000 --restart=always --name ihanick-registry registry:2
docker push localhost:5001/ihanick/busybox:latest
  • Run kubernetes and start the container using the image
./anydbver deploy k3d
kubectl run -it --rm busybox -- sh

Existing kubernetes cluster

kubectl provider for anydbver is not capable to do a cleanups, thus the execution

  • Using default context
anydbver --provider=kubectl deploy k8s-pxc
  • Change context before deployment kubectl allows simultaneous connections to different clusters. kubectl config get-contexts lists current contests. Specify context name with k8s-context option for each deployment target (node0 ... nodeN).
anydbver --provider=kubectl deploy k8s-context:k3d-ihanick-cluster1 k8s-pg:2.2.0 node1 k8s-context:k3d-test-ihanick-cluster1 k8s-pg


In order to access kubernetes LoadBalancer Services you can dedicate last 255 addresses from the docker network with MetalLB L2 load balancing.

./anydbver deploy k3d:latest,metallb k8s-mongo:1.14.0,expose

Simple usage with LXD:

LXD method is deprecated and not supporing all programs. Create .anydbver file containing (replace ihanick with your $USER):


Build docker images with systemd and sshd, simulating standalone physical servers:

cd images-build;
cd ..

Start Percona Server 5.7

cd anydbver
./anydbver deploy ps:5.6

Login to container with Percona Server and connect with mysql command:

./anydbver ssh


./anydbver deploy ps:5.7 node1 ps:5.7,master=node0 node2 percona-proxysql:latest,master=node0


./anydbver deploy ps:5.7 node1 sysbench:latest,mysql=node0


  • Create a sharding cluster with 3-member replicasets (first shard, second shard, config servers) and mongos.
./anydbver deploy \
           psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard \
     node1 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 \
     node2 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 \
     node3 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard
     node4 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 \
     node5 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 \
     node6 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg
     node7 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 \
     node8 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 \
     node9 psmdb:latest mongos-cfg:cfg0/node6,node7,node8 mongos-shard:rs0/default,node1,node2,rs1/node3,node4,node5
  • Same with backup to S3 storage (minio)
# create minio server in docker (outside of anydbver)
export MC_HOST_bkp=http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000
tools/mc mb bkp/pbm-example
./anydbver deploy node0 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node1 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node2 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node3 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node4 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node5 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node6 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node7 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node8 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 pbm:s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example \
  node9 psmdb:latest mongos-cfg:cfg0/node6,node7,node8 mongos-shard:rs0/node0,node1,node2,rs1/node3,node4,node5

Run minio backup server as a node

  • Use self-signed certificates prepared in data/minio/certs with certgen command:
export MC_HOST_bkp=https://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000
./anydbver --simple deploy node0 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example   node1 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0,master=node0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example   node2 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0,master=node0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example node3 minio:latest,docker-image,port=9000,bucket=pbm-example
  • disable TLS and use http
export MC_HOST_bkp=http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000
./anydbver --simple deploy node0 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example   node1 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0,master=node0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example   node2 psmdb:4.4.21,replica-set=rs0,master=node0 pbm:2.3.1,s3=$MC_HOST_bkp/pbm-example node3 minio:latest,docker-image,port=9000,bucket=pbm-example,certs=none


You can run PGDG postgresql distribution pg-keyword or Percona's build ppg-keyword.

  • primary instructs node to join as secondary to specified primary
  • optional wal parameter with logical argument switches wal_level to logical
./anydbver deploy node0 pg:latest,wal=logical node1 pg:latest,primary=node0,wal=logical


./anydbver deploy node0 ppg pgbackrest


./anydbver deploy pg:16 repmgr node1 pg:16,master=node0 repmgr node2 pg:16,master=node0 repmgr

More details and usage examples

There are usage examples in the help output:

./anydbver deploy help

Important deployments could be verified with tests:

./anydbver test all

You may review all test deployments with:

$ echo 'select cmd from tests'|sqlite3 anydbver_version.db 
./anydbver deploy os:el7 pg:11.12
./anydbver deploy os:el8 pg:11.12
./anydbver deploy os:el7 ppg:13.5
./anydbver deploy os:el8 ppg:13.5
./anydbver deploy k3d k8s-ps:0.5.0
./anydbver deploy psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard node1 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 node2 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 node3 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard node4 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 node5 psmdb:latest,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 node6 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg node7 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 node8 psmdb:latest,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 node9 psmdb:latest mongos-cfg:cfg0/node6,node7,node8 mongos-shard:rs0/node0,node1,node2,rs1/node3,node4,node5
./anydbver deploy psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs0,role=shard node1 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 node2 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs0,role=shard,master=node0 node3 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs1,role=shard node4 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 node5 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=rs1,role=shard,master=node3 node6 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg node7 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 node8 psmdb:4.2,replica-set=cfg0,role=cfg,master=node6 node9 psmdb:4.2 mongos-cfg:cfg0/node6,node7,node8 mongos-shard:rs0/node0,node1,node2,rs1/node3,node4,node5
./anydbver deploy ldap node1 ldap-master:default psmdb:5.0
./anydbver deploy k3d cert-manager:1.7.2 k8s-pg:2.2.0
./anydbver deploy node0 ps:8.0,group-replication node1 ps:8.0,group-replication,master=node0 node2 ps:8.0,mysql-router,master=node0
./anydbver deploy ps:5.7 node1 ps:5.7,master=node0 node2 ps:5.7,master=node1 node3 percona-orchestrator:latest,master=node0
./anydbver deploy pxc node1 pxc:latest,master=node0,galera node2 pxc:latest,master=node0,galera
./anydbver deploy node0 ppg:latest,wal=logical node1 ppg:latest,primary=node0,wal=logical
./anydbver deploy node0 pg:latest,wal=logical node1 pg:latest,primary=node0,wal=logical

Unmodified docker images

Normally anydbver installs database software for each deployment to have a systemd controlled setup, similar to production environments. docker-image subcommand allows to use unmodified images from

./anydbver deploy ps:8.0,docker-image,sql="http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/sampledb/world.sql"
./anydbver deploy mysql:8.0,docker-image,sql="http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/sampledb/world.sql"
./anydbver deploy mariadb:latest,docker-image,sql="http://UIdgE4sXPBTcBB4eEawU:[email protected]:9000/sampledb/world.sql"
./anydbver deploy mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication node1 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0 node2 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0 node3 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0 node4 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0 node5 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0 node6 mysql:8.0,docker-image,group-replication,master=node0

Postgresql with replication

Due to the lack of ability to configure host replication items in pg_hba.conf using vanilla docker images, anydbver uses --entrypoint ... -c 'multiline script\' trick to setup the replication primary. Secondary is configured with pg_basebackup, using tools/ entrypoint

./anydbver deploy pg:latest,docker-image node1 pg:latest,docker-image,master=node0

Valkey (Redis fork)

Run a 3 node primary+two replicas

./anydbver deploy valkey:unstable,docker-image node1 valkey:unstable,docker-image,master=node0 node2 valkey:unstable,docker-image,master=node0

Run screen session with all nodes

Put desired bottom status line settings in your ~/.screenrc, e.g.

hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus lastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"

Create screen session:

./anydbver screen


Creates local multi-node database clusters for MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB using Docker containers as nodes. Supports Kubernetes installations with K3D. Concentrated on Percona/Oracle MySQL/MongoDB/Postgresql database products with exact version specified.







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