A static site starter kit.
- MSG to generate markup in a really really flexible and simple way.
- Rollup and Babel to bundle the JS in a concise and performant manner.
- postcss to transpile super modern atomic (tachyon like) styles into cross-browser & mobile friendly CSS.
- Install Prettier for your editor and set it up to format on save. It will also run when you commit, but it's a more enjoyable / less discombobulating experience to run on save.
- Install ESLint for your editor. It hookes into the rules set for prettier, so not completely neccesarry but it sets up a more polished place for you to work in, lovely!
- pa11y testing: follow links / take an array generated by another tool / test against local files
- https://github.com/markedjs/marked markdown!
- snapshot testing (https://www.cypress.io/ ?)
- commit message linting
- performance testing with pupateer, coverage budget, size budget
- CI of some kind testing
- Look into prepack for improving js performance
- https://codellama.io/ automated code review!?
- container queries
- boxy svg note this down somewhere for when I'm looking for icons
- csp! write up details on this and set up a basic implementation
Rough outlines for common UI component design patterns.
- Horizontal Scrolling Nav
- Stacking to horizontal
- Priority Plus
- Input with icon
- Popin (slides in from the edge of a container, absolute position)
- Popout (slides out from the edge of a container, absolute position)
- Modal (Sides over the top of a container, absolute position)
- Drawer (expands from the edge of a container, static position This will cause excessive repainting, use sparingly)
- Breakpoint columns
- Grids