Laravel-wizzy was created by, and is maintained by Filippo Galante, and is a configurable laravel install wizard that permits a user to check system requirements, setup environment and run database migrations and seed. Feel free to check out the change log, releases, license, and contribution guidelines.
- PHP 5.5+
- Laravel
To get the latest version of Laravel Wizzy, simply require the project using Composer:
$ composer require ilgala/laravel-wizzy:dev-master
Instead, you may of course manually update your require block and run composer update
if you so choose:
"require": {
"ilgala/laravel-wizzy": "dev-master"
Once Laravel Wizzy is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php
and add the following to the providers
You can register the Wizzy facade in the aliases
key of your config/app.php
file if you like.
'Wizzy' => 'IlGala\LaravelWizzy\Facades\Wizzy'
Laravel Wizzy supports optional configuration.
To get started, you'll need to publish all vendor assets:
$ php artisan vendor:publish
This will create a config/wizzy.php
file in your app that you can modify to set your configuration. The publish
command will also copy the package's views and the public/assets
folder. Also, make sure you check for changes to the original config file in this package between releases.
There are several config options:
This option specifies if the wizzy is enabled and will be considered only if the .env file doesn't contain any WIZZY_ENABLED key.
Default: true
This set of options specifies the application requirements for php and the filesystem permissions. Only the required PHP version is mandatory forthe wizard.
Default values
'php' => [
'required' => 'x.x.x', // Default: laravel required version
'preferred' => 'x.x.x', // Default: laravel required version
'php_extensions' => [ // Default: laravel required extensions
'permissions' => [ // Default: laravel filesystem permissions
'storage/app/' => '775',
'storage/framework/' => '775',
'storage/logs/' => '775',
'bootstrap/cache/' => '775',
This set of options specifies if the environment view and the database view are enabled in the wizard. If the parameters are setted to false, the wizard will skip one or both steps.
environment default: true
database default: true
This option specifies Wizzy's routes group prefix in order to avoid conflicts with other routes of the application.
Default: install
Application's environment file used to parse the environment variables.
Default: .env
Application's path to migrations files.
Default: database/migrations
If this option is setted to true, the migration command will be runned with --force attribute.
Default: false
This set of options contains all the artisan scripts that will be runned during the last step of the wizard.
The defaults scripts runned are:
- clear-compiled: Remove the compiled class file
- optimize: Optimize the framework for better performance
- config:clear: Remove the configuration cache file
- config:cache: Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
For more informations about the artisan commands please refer to the official documentation.
This is the url used to redirect the user when the application install process is completed.
Default: /
This facade will dynamically pass static method calls to the 'wizzy' object in the ioc container which by default is the IlGala\LaravelWizzy\Wizzy
class. This facade may be also used for a custom wizard creation. The declared methods may be used as helpers function for creating environment files, run database migrations or artisan commands.
* Get wizzy route group prefix from the config file.
* @return string wizzy.prefix
* Get wizzy default evnironment filename from the config file.
* @return string wizzy.environment
* Get wizzy conclusion view redirect url from the config file.
* @return string wizzy.redirectTo
* Check if wizzy is enabled from the config file.
* @return bool true|false
* Check if wizzy environment step is enabled from the config file.
* @return string wizzy.steps.environment
* Check if wizzy database step is enabled from the config file.
* @return string wizzy.steps.database
* Stores the $variables array as an environment file. If the $wizzy_enabled
* variable is true, then it will add WIZZY_ENABLED=false variable in the
* .env file.
* @param string $filename
* @param string $variables
* @param boolean $wizzy_enabled
* @return string filename
Wizzy::($filename, $variables, $wizzy_enabled = false);
* Runs the artisan 'migrate' command.
* @param string $path
* @param boolean $refresh_database
* @param boolean $seed_database
Wizzy::runMigration($path, $refresh_database, $seed_database);
* Retrieve all the migration files in the given path.
* @param type $path
* @return array
* Runs an artisan command.
* @param type $command
* @param type $attributes
* @return void
Wizzy::artisanCall($command, $attributes = []);
This class contains no public methods of interest. This class should be added to the providers array in config/app.php
. This class will setup ioc bindings.
Wizzy includes a middleware used to redirect the application routes to the installation wizard. In order to enable the redirection, you have to register the middleware as global in the app/Http/Kernel.php file like this:
namespace App\Http;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
* The application's route middleware groups.
* @var array
protected $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
// Other middlewares
// Register laravel wizzy as global middleware
'api' => [
Otherwise you can register the middleware as individual and select which routes of your application may run the wizard.
* The application's route middleware.
* These middleware may be assigned to groups or used individually.
* @var array
protected $routeMiddleware = [
// Other middlewares
// Register laravel wizzy as individual middleware
'wizzy' => \IlGala\LaravelWizzy\Middleware\WizzyMiddleware::class,
The WizzyInterface
can be used to create a CustomWizardController
that may be called by the ajax calls of the jQueryPlugin.
Route::group(['prefix' => Wizzy::getPrefix(), 'namespace' => 'IlGala\LaravelWizzy', 'middleware' => 'web'], function () {
Route::get('wizzy', ['as' => Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.wizzy', 'uses' => 'WizzyController@index']);
Route::get('environment', ['as' => Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.environment', 'uses' => 'WizzyController@environment']);
Route::get('database', ['as' => Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.database', 'uses' => 'WizzyController@database']);
Route::get('conclusion', ['as' => Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.conclusion', 'uses' => 'WizzyController@conclusion']);
Route::post('execute', ['as' => Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.execute', 'uses' => 'WizzyController@execute']);
This method is called when the first wizard step is created. Required output for the jQuery plugin:
:array [ 'required' => true|false, 'preferred' => true|false, 'version' => current_version|preferred_version|empty string ];
:array [ 'ext1' => false|ext1 version, 'ext2' => false|ext2 version, 'ext3' => false|ext3 version, [...] ];
This method is called when the environment wizard step is created. Required output for the jQuery plugin:
:array [ 'key' => 'variable value', 'key' => 'variable value', 'key' => 'variable value', 'key' => 'variable value', ];
This method is called when the database wizard step is created. Required output for the jQuery plugin:
:array [ 'migration name or migration filename', 'migration name or migration filename', 'migration name or migration filename', 'migration name or migration filename', ];
This method is called when the conclusion wizard step is created. The jQuery plugin doesn't require any output.
This method is called from the Wizzy jQuery plugin to store the environment variables and run the database migration. The ajax call data object contains the following keys:
- Enviornment
data = { view: 'environment', filename: 'filename', <-- default .env variables: 'key:value|key:value|key:value' <-- default pattern };
- Enviornment
data = { view: 'database', refresh: true|false, <-- use to run migrate:refresh command seed: true|false, <-- migrate:refresh --seed };
This package is composed of three views:
: This view has the same structure of the default views genereted with themake:auth
: The environment variables confirmation modal.confirm_database.blade.php
: The database migration start modal.
The package's views are stored in resources/views/vendor/wizzy
The front-end jQuery plugin has been created using multiple patterns from jQuery Boilerplate. The plugin will initialize the wizard, manage the navigation between the steps and call the back-end using $.ajax
The plugin is stored in public/assets/js/wizzy
|-- css <-- Plugin css folder
| |-- wizzy.css
|-- i18n <-- Plugin locale folder
| |-- en.js
| |-- it.js
| |-- [...]
|-- wizzy.js <-- This is the plugin
// Remember to include the scripts and the locale strings
<script src="/assets/js/wizzy/wizzy.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/wizzy/i18n/en.js"></script>
// Initialization
$(document).ready(function () {
environment: {{ Wizzy::isEnvironmentStepEnabled() }},
database: {{ Wizzy::isDatabaseStepEnabled() }},
redirectUrl: "{{ Wizzy::getRedirectUrl() }}",
welcomeRoute: "{{ route(Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.wizzy') }}",
environmentRoute: "{{ route(Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.environment') }}",
databaseRoute: "{{ route(Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.database') }}",
conclusionRoute: "{{ route(Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.conclusion') }}",
executeRoute: "{{ route(Wizzy::getPrefix() . '.execute') }}",
Option | Default | Description |
environment | false | Enable/disable environment step |
database | false | Enable/disable database step |
redirectUrl | / | Conclusion step redirect url |
welcomeRoute | - | GET ajax call used to populate welcome view |
environmentRoute | - | GET ajax call used to populate enviornment view |
databaseRoute | - | GET ajax call used to populate database view |
conclusionRoute | - | GET ajax call used to populate conclusion view |
executeRoute | - | POST ajax call used to store environment variables and run database migrations |
Callback | Default | Input | Description |
beforeRenderCallback | - | container, view | Called everytime a new view is shown but when the container is still empty or has been cleared of the previous view elements |
afterRenderCallback | - | container, view | Called after a new view content has been created |
navigationCallback | - | button, view | Called when a view navigation button is clicked anyway before beforeRenderCallback |
previousCallback | - | button, view | Called when the previous button is clicked anyway before beforeRenderCallback |
nextCallback | - | button, view | Called when the previous button is clicked anyway before beforeRenderCallback or before the store ajax call |
conclusionCallback | - | button, view | called when the previous button is clicked anyway before beforeRenderCallback |
undoCallback | - | button, modal | Called when the undo modal button is clicked |
environmentCallback | - | button, modal, data | environment submit button onClick event, if returns false no ajax call will be performed |
environmentCallback | - | button, modal, data | database submit button onClick event, if returns false no ajax call will be performed |
The plugin has the following public methods that can be called in this way:
$('.wizzy').wizzy('publicMethod', ...);
Method | Input | Description |
renderContent | container, view, beforeRenderCallback, afterRenderCallback | This method renders one of the wizard views. The container must be a jquery object (ex. $('<div />') ), the view is a integer (1 => welcome, 2 => environment or database or conclusion, 3 => database or conclusion, 4: conclusion). |
The translation files are located in assets/js/wizzy/i18n
. The wizard has been translated in the following languages:
- EN: english
- IT: italian
If your language is missing please open an issue or make a pull request!
Here you can see a few examples of how you can customize the wizard.
// Remember to include the scripts and the locale strings
<script src="/assets/js/wizzy/wizzy.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/wizzy/i18n/en.js"></script>
// Initialization
$(document).ready(function () {
beforeRenderCallback: function(container, view) {
console.log(container); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // 1, 2, 3, 4
afterRenderCallback: function(container, view) {
console.log(container); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // 1, 2, 3, 4
navigationCallback: function(button, view) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
previousCallback: function(button, view) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
nextCallback: function(button, view) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
conclusionCallback: function(button, view) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
undoCallback: function(button, modal) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(modal); // jQuery object
environmentRoute: function(container, view, data) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
console.log(data); // jQuery object
return true; // Ajax call will be performed,
environmentRoute: function(container, view, data) {
console.log(button); // jQuery object
console.log(view); // jQuery object
console.log(data); // jQuery object
return false; // Ajax call won't be performed,
Laravel Wizzy is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
- The alpha phase just started... I'm looking for issues...