Android app to download and install a large set of Sanskrit (and other) dictionaries, which can then be used from any compatible dictionary app.
- Play store link:
- Amazon store link:
- Ratings Certificate
- Signed apk is also released ( in this repository.
- Signed aab is here.
- We publish to a downloaderFlow bintray package.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.sanskrit-coders:downloaderFlow:0.0.2@aar'
// Somehow, dependencies from the above are not automatically deduces (despite downloaderFlow-0.0.2.pom containing them). Hence reincluding them below.
implementation group: '', name: 'guava', version: '27.0.1-android'
repositories {
maven {
url ''
- See comment in MainActivity.kt for a rough understanding of the code.
- Why do we use java rather than kotlin as source directory? Intellij and android studio don't work optimally otherwise - no autocomplete.
- Review notifications setup:
- Debugging
- Parsing adb logcat:
- Use a good log viewer like
lnav Downloads/logcat.txt
- Look for lines with string "****************" to get an idea of when activity lifecycle methods are called.
- Use a good log viewer like
- Parsing adb logcat:
- Generating dependency tree:
gradle app:dependencies > dep_tree_android.txt
gradle -q dependencies app:dependencies --configuration compile > dep_tree.txt
- Build a new version of the aar package by updating libraryVersion in build.gradle and using gradle tasks- assemble.
- Publication location described above.
- Android library publication tips here
- Relevant gradle tasks:
- Layout preview reports an error:
The following classes could not be instantiated: -
- Failed fix attempts:
- Rebuilding
- clearing cache
- invalidating cache and restarting
- Refresh layout
- Details [here])(
- Just open an issue in the most appropriate project (stardict-sanskrit, stardict-hindI, stardict-kannada, stardict-pAlI, stardict-tamiL, stardict-telugu), or if there is no match, in this project.
- We will just need to list your dictionary repository in <>. Open an issue in this project.
- Creating your dictionary repository:
- Just follow the pattern you observe in, say this repo.
- Note that the filename of your dictionary should have two parts, separated by __, as in
.- The first part should be the actual dictionary name, the second the timestamp.
- All stardict and other dictionary files should have names matching the dictionary name specified above.
Publish to Google Play here.
प्राप्यान्तर्जालात् स्टार्डिक्ट-कोशानां सूचिः, स्थापयति तान् कोशान् यन्त्रे SDCARD/dictdata इत्यत्र। एवं स्थापिताः सञ्चिकाः stardict-प्रयोक्तृ-तन्त्रांशैः क्रियतामिति। स्टार्डिक्ट्-प्रयोक्तृ-तान्त्रांशः कश्चित् (उदाहरणार्थम् - ebdic (प्रशस्तम्), ColorDict, GoldenDict, GoldenDict paid ...) युष्माभिः स्थापितो वा स्थाप्यते वेति नः प्रत्ययः।
वयं stardict-sanskrit-गणेन प्रकाशिताः कोशसूचीः प्रयुञ्ज्महे। (ईक्षन्ताम् : , )। लघुसङ्केतः पृष्ठस्यास्य- । संप्रत्य् एतासु भाषासु ११३+ कोषास् सङ्गृहीता अस्माभिः - Sanskrit, pALi, hindI, marathi, punjabi/ panjabi, nepali, oriya/ odiya, assamese/ Asamiya, kannaDa, telugu, tamiL / tamizh, malayalam, sinhala/ sinhalese, greek, latin, english (संस्कृतम्, पाली/ पाळी, हिन्दी, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ/ پنجابی, ଓଡ଼ିଆ, অসমীয়া, ಕನ್ನಡ, සිංහල, తెలుగు, தமிழ், മലയാളം, ελληνικά, lingua latīna) येषां स्वलिपिमन्तरा देवनागर्या रोमकलिप्या चाप्य् अन्वेषणं शक्यम्।
क्लेशान् अत्र सूचयत, परिहरत, पश्यत च - ।
Report / solve issues, look at known problems here: . PS: If this app does not work on your old phone for some reason, consider alternatives presented here - (but do report the failure).
Privacy Policy:
जय हनुमन्। श्रीरामो जयतितमाम्।
This program downloads latest dictionary files from the internet, and stores it in the SDCARD/dictdata folder, for Stardict apps to use. We assume that you already have or will install Stardict-compatible dictionary utilities (Eg: ebdic [Rated high], ColorDict, GoldenDict, GoldenDict paid ...) separately.
We use the indices maintained by the stardict-sanskrit project (See: , ). [If you want to contribute new dictionaries to the stardict-sanskrit project or code to this app, that is welcome too - visit sites above.] Short-link to this app:
Note: Our indices allow for 113+ dictionaries in the following languages to be installed: Sanskrit, pALi, hindI, marathi, punjabi/ panjabi, nepali, oriya/ odiya, assamese/ Asamiya, kannaDa, telugu, tamiL / tamizh, malayalam, sinhala/ sinhalese, greek, latin, english (संस्कृतम्, पाली/ पाळी, हिन्दी, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ/ پنجابی, ଓଡ଼ିଆ, অসমীয়া, ಕನ್ನಡ, සිංහල, తెలుగు, தமிழ், മലയാളം, ελληνικά, lingua latīna) which you can search with the native script as well as with intuitive devanAgarI and roman transliterations.
Report / solve issues, look at known problems here: . PS: If this app does not work on your old phone for some reason, consider alternatives presented here - (but do report the failure).
Dicts available as of 201704-
stardict-hindi/hi-head/ : 1
stardict-kannada/en-head/ : 1
stardict-kannada/kn-head/ : 2
stardict-pali/en-head/ : 2
stardict-pali/pali-en-head/ : 2
stardict-pali/pali-head/ : 2
stardict-sanskrit/en-head/ : 5
stardict-sanskrit/sa-head/en-entries/ : 18
stardict-sanskrit/sa-head/other-entries/ : 5
stardict-sanskrit/sa-head/other-indic-entries/ : 1
stardict-sanskrit/sa-head/sa-entries/ : 3
stardict-sanskrit/sa-kAvya/ : 10
stardict-sanskrit/sa-vyAkaraNa/ : 26
stardict-tamil/ta-head/ : 2
stardict-telugu/en-head/ : 1
stardict-telugu/te-head/ : 3
Total : 84
Privacy Policy:
जय हनुमन्। श्रीरामो जयतितमाम्।