Kill the sheep! Probably the coolest 2D shooter ever ;-)
In the year 2000, when I was trained as "Fachinformatiker" (Specialised Computer Scientist) and was bored in the programming class a friend and I wrote this game. Found it again and put it on GitHub to encourage others just to start codding, its not hard, you will learn on the go. The first version was written in BASIC (do not have that code any more) Then we re-codded it again in C Strangely it never got past version 0.4c. The version number suggests that we had big plans for it, but I have no idea what there were.
Start screen
Got you!
Just run SHEEP.EXE
move the cross with
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
shoot with "space"
quit with "q"
the game ends after 10 kills and your points will be calculated on the basis of the time it
- shoot a leg to slow the sheep
- shoot the 💩 to get some time bonus
- shoot the head so see it explode
Sorry all the comments are in German, but the code should not be too hard to understand. Please tell me if you manage to compile it, I haven't tried it.