Active Node
- You will need IP address and password of active server hosting inery blockchain protocol
- modify CONFIG.JSON file with your node IP and password, also user if needed.
Inery contract development toolkit Steps for instalation could be found in cdt folder
- Dependencies for cdt
- Build contract development toolkit (cdt) on local machine
Value contracts represent databases on Inery blockchain.
Contracts written in C++ are compiled into WASM (Web Assembly) and ABI(Application Binary Interface) files.
WASM and ABI are connected with account on Inery Blockchain.
In order to compile your contracts you will need inery cdt
Step by step process on how to execute helper scripts.
- Open Terminal
- navigate to IneryDB folder
- from GUI, right click on "IneryDB" folder, then click "Open in Terminal"
- Giving scripts the necessary permissions to run
- give executable permission to all IneryDB scripts, this is done by executing following
- commands in terminal :
- "chmod 777 IneryDB_create.py"
- "chmod 777 IneryDB_get.py"
- "chmod 777 IneryDB_set.py"
- Execute Script
- IneryDB scripts are called by executing command in terminal, using appropriate arguments
example : "./IneryDB_create.py [option] [argument]".
- IneryDB scripts are called by executing command in terminal, using appropriate arguments
Features that we are currently offering are creating databases and managing data on Inery block chain.
By using "IneryDB_create" along wiht --account and --database, our options for creation.
For start you will be needing an account with original name that fulfills inery_name rules
Rules of inery_name : Minimum lenght of 3 and maximum lenght of 10 characters, they must be all lowercase letters or numbers from 1-5, without spaces allowed. Name of databse and tables can't be same, also database and table name cant start with number and elements names cant be some C++ keywords
- Account
- Usage:
./IneryDB_create --account [account_name]
account_name is of inery_name type, it must be original Example :
- Usage:
./IneryDB_create --account [account_name]
./IneryDB_create.py --account inery.test
Verifying inery.test account..
Successfully created account!
Public key : INE6hzfzZbT18sJfofzx5nPV15vcbtk3KoXPpdafaXe5hofaaAiRx
Private key : 5JIneryDBJkJ8B4AUBxMu8C9LwbxxUtuYJaQBMYWYG1y2mVVEKt4vFcoS
Your Inery account name : inery.test
- Usage: ./IneryDB_create --database [account_name]
account_name is of inery_name type, it must be representing an existing account, you want to connect with the database.
NOTICE! table names must be inery_name type and as of now two types of fields are optimised for use "string" and "int".Example :
./IneryDB_create.py --database inery.test
Verifying inery.test account..
Database name : mydb
How many tables do you want? 2
Enter name of table 1 : table1
How many elements should table consist?
What type is 1. element
Name of 1. element
What type is 2. element
Name of 2. element
What type is 3. element
Name of 3. element
Enter name of table 2 : table2
How many elements should table consist?
What type is 1. element
Name of 1. element
What type is 2. element
Name of 2. element
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, action <settable1> does not have a ricardian contract
Warning, action <settable2> does not have a ricardian contract
Successfully created Database
- Inserting
- Usage: ./IneryDB_set.py --set
- You will be asked for Account and Table in which you want to insert data
- After, if informations are correct you will need to insert the data you want according to type of field
Example :
./IneryDB_set.py --set
Account name :
Table name :
Set "name" field <string> type
Steve Williams
Set "age" field <int> type
Set "Address" field <string> type
Silicon Valley, California
# inery.test <= inery.test::settable1 {"name":"Steve Williams","age":34,
"Address":"Silicon Valley, California"}
- Usage : ./IneryDB_get.py --table
- You will be asked to provide Account and Table name info. Whole table will be saved in table folder with ACCOUNT.TABLE.JSON name
Simple query
- Usage : ./IneryDB_get.py --query
- You need to provide account and table info.
- After you enter KEY to search with like name of element in structure
- and VALUE which corresponds to key that you search for
- You can make redundant query calls
Example :
./IneryDB_get.py --query
Enter account name :
Enter table name :
Enter key you wanna search table with:
Enter value for key to find:
"rows": [
"id": 394,
"name": "Ananko",
"surname": "Savand",
"age": 58,
"gender": "male",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 874,
"name": "Desislava",
"surname": "Nakarad",
"age": 58,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1052,
"name": "Mojan",
"surname": "Leštari",
"age": 26,
"gender": "male",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1103,
"name": "Prvoslava",
"surname": "Biberč",
"age": 56,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1136,
"name": "Vukodrag",
"surname": "Kompal",
"age": 40,
"gender": "male",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1209,
"name": "Staniša",
"surname": "Baleti",
"age": 38,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1376,
"name": "Vukomil",
"surname": "Zdrav",
"age": 34,
"gender": "male",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1749,
"name": "Živadin",
"surname": "Ćilerdž",
"age": 47,
"gender": "male",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
Do you want to subquery this result?
type [y/n] :
Enter key you wanna search table with:
Enter value for key to find:
"rows": [
"id": 874,
"name": "Desislava",
"surname": "Nakarad",
"age": 58,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1103,
"name": "Prvoslava",
"surname": "Biberč",
"age": 56,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
"id": 1209,
"name": "Staniša",
"surname": "Baleti",
"age": 38,
"gender": "female",
"state": "Germany",
"city": "unknown",
"street": "unknown",
"status": "unkown"
Do you want to subquery this result?
type [y/n] :