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NavNode Model

Thor Schueler edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

The NavNode model implements the model for the various navigation components and is used for data delivery in the various navigation related services.


The NavNode model is a POCO has the following properties:

  • Title - Gets the title to display for the nav node
  • Url - Gets the url associated with the node
  • Id - Gets node's unique id
  • Children - Gets an Array object representing the child nodes for this node.
  • IsGroup - Returns true if the node has child nodes.
  • FAIcon - Gets the font awesome css class for the icon to display.


You can construct a new NavNode model instance using its constructor:

         title: string, 
         url: string, 
         id: string, 
         faIcon?: string, 
         children?: Array<NavNode>)


  • title - String containing the node's title
  • url - String containing the node's url
  • id - String containing the node's unique id
  • faIcon - Optional. String containing the node's font awesome icon css tag. Use an empty string to suppress an icon
  • children - Optional. Array of NavNodes representing the children of the node


The following example implements a simple ng2 component using the NavNode model to render a navigation link:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavNode} from 'ng2-app-scaffold';
    selector: 'navnode',
    template: `
       <div class="navnode">
          <a [routerLink]="[node.Url]" id="{{node.Id}}">
             <span class="icon fa {{node.FAIcon}}"></span><span class="title">{{node.Title}}</span>
export class Nav{
        this.node = new NavNode(
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