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Rachel edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

March Madness: DIY Pizza Hut Pie Tops

Update: You can try and nab one of 50 pairs of Pie Tops this year and the new ones can pause your TV (we might tell you how to add that feature soon).

Pizza Hut recently came out with a hilarious commercial about awesome shoes that can order pizza. You might've seen it:

Those shoes are real, and really do order pizza, but (unfortunately for everyone) they only made 64 pairs.

I know that not having access to Pie Tops made you sad because it made me sad. It made me so sad that I decided that I just couldn't live without pizza shoes. So I made some.

Behold! The DIY Pie Tops:

And the result of pressing the button in the tongue of these glorious shoes:

Now that I've got you thinking about pizza, here's the quick rundown on how you too can possess some cheesy sneaks:

  • Get a Flic bluetooth button
  • Use the Flic app to set button presses to trigger IFTTT
  • Use IFTTT to chat with Pizza Hut's Twitter chatbot
  • Order some pizza from your shoes!

All for what's got to be less than the price of priceless shoes: $50!

And as a bonus, I'll even tell you how to make an depressing informative pizza dashboard!

Step 1: Get a Flic Button >>