[Hashtypes as of now]
- sha1
- sha256
- md5
- raw
- Still In Development (latest release)
- Windows 11 Supported
[Commands Examples]
verbose mode | bhash [input] -v
see help | bhash -h
dictionary bruteforce | bhash [hashtype] [hash] -d [chosen dictionaries]
directory bruteforce | bhash [hashtype] [hash] -a [chosen directory]
random bruteforce | bhash [hashtype] [hash] -r [threads] [max attempts per thread]
create hashlist (indev) | bhash convert -g [hashtype] [chosen dictionary] [output file]
update existing dictionary | bhash -n [string] [file]
bruteforce a hashlist | bhash scn [file] [-d or -a] [chosen dictionary or directory] [hashtype]
create a new dictionary | bhash -c [outputfile] [compare-file] [threads] -h [hashtype]
[Commands Copy Pastes]
- ex: bhash -h
- ex: bhash sha256 1b5c3 -d C:\examplefile1,C:\examplefile2
- ex: bhash sha256 1b5c3 -a C:\exampleDirectory
- ex: bhash sha256 1b5c3 -r 10 300000
- ex: bhash convert -g sha256 C:\examplefile C:\exampleoutput
- ex: bhash -n examplepassword123 C:\examplefile
- ex: bhash scn C:\example-dump.txt -d C:\examplefile1,C:\examplefile2 sha256
- ex: bhash scn C:\example-dump.txt -a C:\exampleDirectory sha256
- ex: bhash -c C:\example.txt C:\example_dictionary 5 -h raw
[Last Few Builds Notes]
- Added Write Function To Update Lists
- Set Option To Use All Dictionaries In A Directory
- Added Function To Create New Dictionaries
- Updated HashCracking Module, Included The Ability To Bruteforce A Hashlist, see [Commands Examples]
- Fixed Formatting And Added Verbose Output
- Lazy Code, Working On Cleanup
[Wordlist Information]