In this project, I applied the skills I have acquired in this course to operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API.
I was given a pre-trained, sklearn model that has been trained to predict housing prices in Boston according to several features, such as average rooms in a home and data about highway access, teacher-to-pupil ratios, and so on.
My goal was to operationalize a working, machine learning microservice using kubernetes.
Here is a summary of what I achieved:
Test your project code using linting Complete a Dockerfile to containerize this application Deploy your containerized application using Docker and make a prediction Improve the log statements in the source code for this application Configure Kubernetes and create a Kubernetes cluster Deploy a container using Kubernetes and make a prediction Upload a complete Github repo with CircleCI to indicate that your code has been tested
Great project
- Installed requirements.txt file
- I ran make lint - to lint the dockerfile and
- I ran ./ script - to build and run my dockerfile, then i exposed it on port 8000
- Then I confirmed my was running and listening on port 80 which I mapped to port 8000 in the script
- I now ran ./ script - to upload my docker image to my docker hub repository
- I ran ./ to deploy my app using minikube where i port forwarded to port 8000 as well
- I then ran minikube stop to pause my cluster and save
- Finally i ran minikube delete to delete my cluster
Finally I built my .circleci/config.yml and uploaded to my github repo which was automatically built by circleci