Automatic compilation of Faust and C++ audio DSP programs for AMD/Xilinx FPGA platforms.
The Syfala documentation is now centralized here. It includes information, examples and tutorials for the following topics:
- Installing AMD/Xilinx dependencies.
- Installing and setting up the syfala toolchain.
- Running a simple example on a Digilent Zybo Z7 board, using Faust.
- Using C++ to program a more optimized DSP kernel.
- Building the Embedded Linux for Syfala.
- Digilent Zybo Z7-10 - Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
- Digilent Zybo Z7-20 - Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
- Digilent Genesys ZU-3EG - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Development Board
and more to come...
Here is a list of person that have contributed to the Syfala project :
- Tanguy Risset
- Yann Orlarey
- Romain Michon
- Stephane Letz
- Florent de Dinechin
- Anastasia Volkova
- Alain Darte
- Yohan Uguen
- Gero Müller
- Adeyemi Gbadamosi
- Ousmane Touat
- Luc Forget
- Antonin Dudermel
- Maxime Popoff
- Thomas Delmas
- Oussama Bouksim
- Pierre Cochard
- Joseph Bizien
- Agathe Herrou
- Jurek Weber
- Aloïs Rautureau
- Jessica Zaki-Sewa
- Jonas Hoepner
- Benjamin Quiédeville
- Daniel Habib