Setup PCI Connection to prbt current IP adress: In order to check it you are connected: $ ping
Setup USB Ethernet connection to the RPi Router, which is the IP configured for the RET socket server
current IP Address:
In order to check it you are connected:
$ ping
Create connection via CAN: $ sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000
after every reset of the Robot you should turn it off: $ sudo ip link set can0 down and up again.
Note: For the current Pilz Setup, The Computer has to be connected before it robot starts otherwise the connection will fail. If you connect the Robot to the PC after the Robot ist already starten then you need to reset the robot and start the can again!
Ensure the RET Socket server is already running, since the BMA tries to connect to it first. Then launch:
$ source devel/setup.bash $ roslaunch pilz_manipulation ret_pilz_ROS.launch