This repository is created in order to help anyone who has a passion to learn computer vision from scratch.
- Loading Displaying and Saving images / Grayscaling images / Different Color Spaces
- Resize and Scale Images / Image Pyramids / Cropping Images / Image Filtering Using Convolution Operations / Blurring Sharpenning
- Arithmetic Operations / Thresholding Binarization & Adaptive Thresholding / Morphological Operators / Canny Edge Detection
- Contours , ConvexHull, Line, Circle and Blob Detection
- Template Matching / Find Corners
- Face and Eye Detection using Haar Cascade Classifiers
- Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection using Haar Cascade Classifiers
- Perspective Transforms
- Histograms , Histogram Equalization and Color Seperation of an Image using K-means Clustering
- Filtering Colors
- Image segmentation Methods
- Background Subtraction
- Facial Landmark Detection and Face Swapping with Dlib
- Titl Shift Effects
- GrabCut algorithm for Background Removal
- Barcode and QR generation and Reading
- YOLOv3
- Neural Style Transfer
- SSDs
- Inpainting to Restore Damaged Photos
- Add and Remove Noise, fix contrast with Histogram Equalization
- Detect Blur in Images
- Facial Recognition