Inspired by metrics & github-profile-summary-cards & github-tui π
Data - irevenko/octostats TUI - termui
go get -u
To generate token go here:
Press Generate new token
and select repo:status
, read:org
, read:user
and user:email
Put this token into HOMEDIR/.config/octotui/token
octotui search <USER_OR_ORGANIZATION>
Press Enter
to invert image to monochrome color and then Tab
to monochrome invert
- Profile Image & user basic info/stats
- Most starred, forked repos
- Languages, by repo, commits, stars, forks
- Activity sparkline
- Spinner (while fetching stats)
- Reconsider colors
- Tabs with another data like metrics plugins
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! π
Feel free to check open issues.
git clone
cd octotui
go get -d ./...
go build
- Advanced termui
(c) 2021 Ilya Revenko. MIT License