By Brian Amerige of Extendmac, LLC., 12/15/2007
© Copyright 2007 Extendmac, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Purpose: To create a cocoa wrapper class (not a bloated framework) to proxy between your application and the unfortunately-carbon based keychain.
Current State: Usable in what I expect to be most simple application scenarios. See the class overview information below to verify that EMKeychain is the best fit for your project.
- Link your application against the Security frameworks in /System/Library (Carbon is not necessary!)
Update: This update to the Cocoa wrapper was thought up, written, and published by Steven Degutis. The purpose is to merge the EMKeychainProxy class into the EMKeychainItem class as class methods, rather than instance methods. Thus, this update both simplifies the wrapper for developers, and uses more conventional Cocoa standards. (There are also two new methods for conveniently setting/getting the password of a generic keychain.)
- EMKeychainItem
- A container object that houses information about your keychain item, and provides modification functionality.
- Locking the Keychain:
+ (void)lockKeychain;
+ (void)unlockKeychain;
- Getters
- (NSString *)password;
- (NSString *)username;
- Setters
- (BOOL)setPassword:(NSString *)newPassword;
- (BOOL)setUsername:(NSString *)newUsername;
- Subclasses
- EMGenericKeychainItem
- Convenience methods for Getting and Setting a password on a generic Keychain
+ (void) setKeychainPassword:(NSString*)password forUsername:(NSString*)username service:(NSString*)serviceName;
+ (NSString*) passwordForUsername:(NSString*)username service:(NSString*)serviceName;
- Getting or Creating new Keychain items
+ (EMGenericKeychainItem *)genericKeychainItemForService:(NSString *)serviceNameString withUsername:(NSString *)usernameString;
+ (EMGenericKeychainItem *)addGenericKeychainItemForService:(NSString *)serviceNameString withUsername:(NSString *)usernameString password:(NSString *)passwordString;
- Getters
- (NSString *)serviceName;
- Setter Methods
- (BOOL)setServiceName:(NSString *)newServiceName;
- Convenience methods for Getting and Setting a password on a generic Keychain
- EMInternetKeychainItem
- Getting or Creating new Keychain items
+ (EMInternetKeychainItem *)internetKeychainItemForServer:(NSString *)serverString withUsername:(NSString *)usernameString path:(NSString *)pathString port:(int)port protocol:(SecProtocolType)protocol;
+ (EMInternetKeychainItem *)addInternetKeychainItemForServer:(NSString *)serverString withUsername:(NSString *)usernameString password:(NSString *)passwordString path:(NSString *)pathString port:(int)port protocol:(SecProtocolType)protocol;
- Getters
- (NSString *)server;
- (NSString *)path;
- (int)port;
- (SecProtocolType)protocol;
- Setters
- (BOOL)setServer:(NSString *)newServer;
- (BOOL)setPath:(NSString *)newPath;
- (BOOL)setPort:(int)newPort;
- (BOOL)setProtocol:(SecProtocolType)newProtocol;
- Getting or Creating new Keychain items
- EMGenericKeychainItem
Adding a generic keychain item
[EMGenericKeychainItem addGenericKeychainItemForService:@"SomeApplicationService" withUsername:@"Joe" password:@"SuperSecure!"];
Adding an internet keychain item
[EMInternetKeychainItem addInternetKeychainItemForServer:@"" withUsername:@"sjobs" password:@"magic" path:@"/httpdocs/" port:21 protocol:kSecProtocolTypeFTP];
- Note that the "protocol" asks for a SecProtocolType.
Working with a keychain item
EMInternetKeychainItem *keychainItem = [EMInternetKeychainItem internetKeychainItemForServer:@"" withUsername:@"sjobs" path:@"/httpdocs" port:21 protocol:kSecProtocolTypeFTP];
//Get the password
NSString *password = [keychainItem password];
//Change the password and user
[keychainItem setPassword:@"mynewpass"];
[keychainItem setUsername:@"phil"];