WeatherApp is a weather forecast application that displays near-location locations and a week's weather forecast of near-location locations using
A request has been sent to the following url to list the locations of nearby locations and the names of cities.
/api/location/search/?query=(query) /api/location/search/?lattlong=(latt),(long)
The Retrofit library is used to send this request. -
For weekly weather information, we need to send a request to the URL below.
OkHttp library is used for this request.
Clone the repo to your local machine
git clone
Open the cloned project in Android Studio.
Wait until you make sure the gradle packages are finished installing.( Watch status bar)
If your Android Studio version is less than 4.2.1
- please upgrade your Android Studio to at least 4.2.1 version.
- open the build.gradle file and set it to your Android Studio version from the dependencies section.
- run the project after installation