This Interest Group is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving it, please contact [email protected]
- Donald Moses (UPEI)
- Nick Ruest (York)
- Mark Jordan (SFU)
- Alex Kent (PALS)
- The name of the IIG is the Islandora Preservation Interest Group
- The purpose of the Islandora Preservation Interest Group is to develop and communicate a common approach to address preservation within the Islandora framework.
- Specific goals, activities, outcomes may include:
- Discussing, developing, testing, implementing and documenting preservation best practices within the Islandora framework.
- Implementing Persistent URLs
- Building and supporting tools that facilitate the production of PREMIS or other preservation metadata.
- Building and supporting tools that facilitate preservation workflows.
- Islandora Checksum
- Islandora Checksum Checker
- Islandora FITS
- Islandora Microservices
- Explore and develop autonomic approaches to preservation activities.
- Self-configuration
- Self-protection
- Self-optimization
- Self-healing
- Implementations
- UPEI Microservices [PHP Based]
- Islandora Microservices [Python Based]
- ensure that Islandora/microservices generates/captures/records preservation metadata/events
- build workflows that facilitate the automation of preservation activities (eg. checksum checking, report generation, format migration, off-site storage, etc.)
- Explore and develop autonomic approaches to preservation activities.
- Developing Islandora preservation format policies
- Format Registry Problem (Code4Lib article)
- Islandora Preservation Documentation (started here based on Nick’s repo docs / ScholarsPortal)
- Archivematica’s format policies
- Archivematica’s Format Policy Registry
- Exploring Islandora’s integration with other preservation workflow frameworks.
- Archivematica
- Scout (OpenPlanets)
- Exploring various export, storage and backup options
- Islandora BagIt
- Islandora Vault (islandora integration with CloudSync and DuraCloud in Paul Pound’s github)
- Islandora LOCKSS-O-Matic (in Mark J’s git … awesome)
- Drupal Amazon Web Services (potentially the base of an Islandora module … would it hook to Glacier?)
- Exploring Islandora preservation within the Fedora4 context.
- Keeping abreast of preservation activities within the Fedora community.
- Hydra
- Aligning Islandora’s preservation framework with the requirements of Trusted Digital Repository/TRAC certification.
- Discussing, developing, testing, implementing and documenting preservation best practices within the Islandora framework.
- The interest group will meet once a month virtually (eg. via Skype). A call for agenda items will be posted to the Islandora Google Group 1 week prior to the meeting. The convenor will appoint a note taker for the meeting and meeting notes will be made available at some url.
- The convenors will produce a report to be submitted to the Islandora Roadmap Committee following the IPIG’s meeting.
- Mark Jordan (Simon Fraser University)
- Nick Ruest (York University)
- Donald Moses (UPEI)
- Melissa Anez (Islandora Foundation)
- Mark Leggott (UPEI)
- Ryan Gjerde (Luther College)
- Nathan Books (Northern Illinois University)
- Aaron Collie (Michigan State University)
- Alex Kent (PALS)
- Michael Bolam (University of Pittsburgh)
- Kelli Babcock (University of Toronto Libraries)
- Allison Brown (University of Otago Library)
- Kirsta Stapelfeldt (University of Toronto)
- Becky Yoose (Grinnell College Libraries)
- Ernie Gillis (Berklee College of Music Archives)
- Sofia Becerra-Licha (Berklee College of Music Archives)
- Gloria Gonzalez (UCLA)
- Stephen Davison (UCLA)
- Jane Monson (University of Northern Colorado)
- Andrew Berger (Computer History Museum)
- Caleb Derven (University of Limerick)
- Kilian Amrhein (Zuse Institute Berlin)
- Eric Luhrs (Lafayette College Libraries)
- James R. Griffin III (Lafayette College Libraries)
- Thomas Goodnow (Lafayette College Libraries)
- Alex Garnet (Simon Fraser University)
- Angela Dappert (Digital Preservation Coalition)
- Courtney Mumma (Artefactual)
- Brad Spry (UNC Charlotte)
- Felicity Dykas (University of Missouri)
- Lydia Motyka (Florida Virtual Campus)
- [Marcus Emmanuel Barnes] ( (Simon Fraser University)