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Eric J. Humphrey edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 1 revision

The ISMIR website is maintained by the ISMIR board for the benefit of all members and the general public. That said, keeping the content up to date is a full time job and contributions are welcome from everyone.

There are two ways to contribute to the website.

Report a problem via Issues

Often times you'll see something that isn't quite right, but either don't have the time or know-how to fix it. That's okay! The following steps will walk you through how to help:

  • First, check the Issues list to see if it's already been reported.
  • If so, please upvote it by adding a 👍, or replying with a comment ("+1" is fine).
  • If not, feel free to create a new issue. Please provide as much detail as possible, and what complete fix would look like.

That's it! Issues are triaged by volunteers, so please be patient. If things are moving too slowly, you can always ...

Submit a Pull Request

Anyone is welcome to submit a pull request (PR) to the website. Please keep in mind, a submitted PR may be approved or rejected based on the scope of the changes (doing too much), the content added (off-topic, inaccurate), or other unforeseen reasons. Therefore, please keep PRs small, and create an issue first if you're planning any major changes. We want to make sure everyone uses their time efficiently!

Most folks will submit a PR by the following process:

  • Fork the repository! You will only ever have to do this once. This will create a version of the repo in your personal GitHub, giving you freedom to make all the changes and commits you like.
  • Make some changes to the source! You can, if you so choose, do this directly in the web browser, described in the article. Alternatively, you can clone the repository locally, make changes in your favorite editor, commit the changes, and push them back to your personal fork.
  • Create a pull request from your fork. This will signal to the ISMIR website's maintainers that your code is ready for review.
  • Wait patiently for feedback! The maintainers may ask that you make additional changes, or merge them back to the main repository when everything looks great.

And congratulations! You've pitched in to help make the website better. 😄

Subsequent Changes

Keep in mind that over time, your fork will drift from the original repository, and need to be updated (or "sync'ed"). Currently the most correct way of doing this is with git from the commandline. There are ways of updating your fork from the browser, but commandline git is the proper way of doing this.

Clone this wiki locally