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Master - Test public build and generate and deploy site on develop #13

Master - Test public build and generate and deploy site on develop

Master - Test public build and generate and deploy site on develop #13

Workflow file for this run

# Will build a Java project with Maven, but NOT cache/restore any dependencies to check with central repo
name: Master - Test public build and generate and deploy site
run-name: Master - Test public build and generate and deploy site on ${{ github.ref_name }}
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
MVNCMD: mvn -B -ntp -s ${{ github.workspace }}/.github/settings-istrepo.xml
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 3
- name: Set up JDK 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: '11'
distribution: 'temurin'
maven-version: 3.8.7
# deliberately not, to check with central repo: cache: maven
- name: Dump event context for debugging
continue-on-error: true # Debugging output only, and this annoyingly fails when the commit messge has a (
run: |
echo '${{ github.event_name }} for ${{ github.ref_type }} ${{ github.ref_name }} or ${{ github.event.ref }}'
echo 'github.event:'
echo '${{ toJSON(github.event) }}'
- name: Dump github context
continue-on-error: true # Debugging output only, and this annoyingly fails when the commit message has a (
run: |
echo '${{ toJSON(github) }}'
- name: Git & Maven Status
run: |
git status --untracked-files --ignored
git log -3 --no-color
$MVNCMD -version
- name: Mvn Effective POM
run: $MVNCMD -N help:effective-pom
- name: Mvn Effective Settings
run: $MVNCMD -N help:effective-settings
# disabled during site testing. FIXME: re-enable
# - name: Check versioning
# run: $MVNCMD org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0:enforce -Drules=requireReleaseVersion,requireReleaseDeps
- name: Check build with Maven
run: $MVNCMD verify
- name: Site with Maven
run: $MVNCMD install javadoc:aggregate site site:stage
- name: Show location(s) of site
# for determining the right path for
if: always()
run: |
find target/staging -type f -name index.html
- name: Deploy Site
uses: JamesIves/[email protected]
branch: gh-pages
# This path is different for the repositories - check
folder: target/staging
git-config-name: ${{ vars.RELEASE_USERNAME }}
git-config-email: ${{ vars.RELEASE_USEREMAIL }}