Building the book requires mdBook. To get it:
$ cargo install mdbook
To build the book:
$ mdbook build
The output will be in the book
subdirectory. To check it out, open it in
your web browser.
$ firefox book/index.html # Linux
$ open -a "Firefox" book/index.html # OS X
$ Start-Process "firefox.exe" .\book\index.html # Windows (PowerShell)
$ start firefox.exe .\book\index.html # Windows (Cmd)
$ google-chrome book/index.html # Linux
$ open -a "Google Chrome" book/index.html # OS X
$ Start-Process "chrome.exe" .\book\index.html # Windows (PowerShell)
$ start chrome.exe .\book\index.html # Windows (Cmd)
Given that the book is still in a draft state, we'd love your help! Please feel free to open issues about anything, and send in PRs for things you'd like to fix or change. If your change is large, please open an issue first, so we can make sure that it's something we'd accept before you go through the work of getting a PR together.