This project is an Instagram clone designed and built by my own using Django, HTMX and a little bit of JS, it has basic characteristics like, posting images, likes, comments, account management and some advanced features like, real-time notifications throught Server-Sent Events and a messaging system implemented using WebSockets. Follow the next steps to star using this app.
This is a list of the recommended tools to run Instagram clone on your machine.
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
If you want to use this project, first you'll need to configure an environment to run it. Make a directory and, after, clone the code inside the new dir.
Docker and docker compose are the easiest way to start using this application, only you need to start docker engine and run the following command.
docker compose -f up --build
Also you can run services separated in different terminal windows.
docker compose -f up <service_name>
Cretate a superuser for start using the app fastly
docker compose -f exec -it django bash
The previous command gives you access to a bash terminal, if you run ls
command, you will see all files including the
file and the project dir.
Now Run:
python createsuperuser
Follow the next steps to start the project using a virtaulenv and pip.
Make and activate a virtual env.
python -m venv <venv_name>
# If you are using Mac or Linux
source <venv_name>/bin/activate
# If you are a Windows user
Install required dependendices
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
# Or use the requirements.txt file that is just for development
This project uses Channels for WebSockets and Celery for background tasks, you need to run a Redis instance to be used as a data transport and broker.
docker run --rm -it -p 6379:6379 redis
Note: Previous command deletes Redis instance when you press Ctrl + C to shutdown the server.
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
Now, we need to run our Celery app for processing background tasks.
The next command runs the Celery app inside the project (instagram.__init__.celery
) and starts the worker using a Thread Pool with 2 threads and the log level in debug mode.
celery -A instagram worker -P threads -c 2 -l DEBUG
you can find a constant named CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER
that runs tasks synchronously, change to False
if you want a real background execution.