Full integration (September deliverable)
Pre-releaseFull integration aims to provide sufficient interface for the testing agents.
There are some minor breaking changes in this release, see below.
IMPORTANT: Make sure Windows is OK to run the libraries. Windows 10 blocks "randomly" downloaded libraries. To unblock them, right-click on each of them and open file properties. Look for Security section on the bottom part of the General tab. You might see a message: "This file came from another computer and might be blocked...". If so, check the Unblock
(If you skip this step, the game will probably crash with a message: System.NotSupportedException
: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location...)
Plugin binaries tested with Space Engineers version 1.199.025 (released in August 2021).
The plugin runs a TCP/IP server with JSON-RPC 2.0 API. It allows to access surrounding of the player's character in a structured form (WOM), control the character, and much more.
Breaking Changes
- Instead of string block type we now use structured Definition ID (
) -- block type is one of its two components. This change was necessary because the block type was not unique in some cases.
New Features
The following list is not complete. For currently available APIs see the C# interface ISpaceEngineers
or the corresponding Kotlin interface on the client side (the Java/Kotlin client repository has been merged into this repository, see the directory JvmClient).
New features include:
- Exposing block properties using polymorphic blocks
- Using structured Definition ID
- Many small improvements
See also
- The README.md file of this repository.
- The JVM Client README file.
- The API documentation.