Color quantification using firefly algorithm
The objetive of this project is the color image reduction through the firefly algorithm with the k-means.
You can change the fireflys number and the iteractions of k-means.
You need a c compiler and a text editor for choose your configuration of fireflies and k-means iteractions The pixels of the image in a txt document, that is to say, you must have the RGB values.
I have two programs: -txt2tifmod: this program transform the pixel values to image of format tiff -luci8: this program use the firefly algorithm and k-means for reduce the color of the image to 8 bits per pixel.
You can modify them and compile them with:
gcc txt2tif.c -ltiff -o txt2tif
execute: ./txt2tif [fich_img_RGB]
gcc -o luci kmeans_imagenes.c -L. -lkmeans -lm
execute: luci [fich_pixels]
Explanation of the Algorithm A Hybrid Approach for Color Image Quantization Using K-means and Firefly Algorithms