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=== AB Press Optimizer ===
Contributors: IvanLopez
Tags: A/B Testing, A/B Split Testing, AB Testing, AB Split Testing, Conversion Optimization, ab test, a/b test, a b test, a-b test, a b testing, a-b testing
Requires at least: 3.4.2
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

The Easy Way to Increase Conversion in WordPress.

== Description ==

A/B testing integrated directly into your WordPress site. Quickly and easily create dozens of different versions of your buttons and headlines. Know the status of your experiments in real time as customers are visiting your site. Independently track conversions and visitors for each version, keeping an eye which one is converting best.

Start A/B testing minutes without any HTML knowledge required. You're not given a script to embed; simply adding a Shortcode to your post, page or custom post type and you’re ready to go. Quickly setup your experiment by filling in a few simple text inputs. We have taken out all the guest work and made the interface straight forward. With A/B Testing integrated into WordPress you have complete access and control of your data.

###AB Press Optimizer Plugin Features:###

* Run unlimited experiments
* Test any text element on any page, post, or custom post type
* Real time metrics on the status of an experiment
* Works with any WordPress theme
* PHP function for embedding experiment directly into your theme
* Schedule out your experiments
* Embed your experiment with our Shortcode interface
* No Script to embed in your page

###More Features Available in Pro Version:###

* Unlimited experiment variations
* Additional variation type for testing complete content blocks and images
* Export your experiments to CSV
* Additional conversion triggers like form submission and click interactions
* Run same experiment across multiple pages

[Click Here to Upgrade to AB Press Optimizer Pro! »](


[Click Here to Upgrade to AB Press Optimizer Pro! »](

== Installation ==

= Installation through WordPress admin from plugin repository: =

1. Login to your WordPress admin.
1. Click on the plugins tab.
1. Click the Add New button.
1. Search for **AB Press Optimizer** or **AB Testing** 
1. Click "Install Now", then Activate, then head to the new menu item on the left labeled "AB Press".

= Alternative installation methods: =

1. Download this plugin.
1. Login to your WordPress admin.
1. Click on the plugins tab.
1. Click the Add New button.
1. Click the Upload button.
1. Click "Install Now", then Activate, then head to the new menu item on the left labeled "AB Press".

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. **New Experiment** - Quickly setup your experiment by filling in a few simple text inputs. We have taken out all the guest work and made the interface straight forward. With A/B Testing integrated into WordPress you have complete access and control of your data.
2. **Embedding Experiment** - No need to remember how to embed an experiment simply use our intuitive Shortcode interface to select and embed and experiment
3. **Advanced Embedding** - If you need more flexibility simply use our embedding PHP function to integrate and experiment directly into your theme.
4. **Real time metrics** - Instantly watch and compare your variation to choose your best option. Efficiently monitor visitors, conversions and conversion rates.  Get your strongest variations with only a sample size of 30 visitors per variation.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release

= 1.1.0 =
* Optimized HTML Parser
* Converted Conversion to Happen Via Ajax


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