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Book List

A little program for keeping track of the books you have and want.

The main use case: the user (let's use the name Jo) is in a charity shop and finds an interesting book. Jo is not sure if they own the book already, or if they read it a long time ago (maybe from a library). Jo will buy the book but doesn't want to have it twice – to prevent having two copies, Jo checks the app.

A book has these properties:

  • title
  • author (possibly omitted if unknown)
  • series (if the book is part of a series)
  • notes (anything the user might want to add for themself)
  • whether the user owns or wants the book


  • use id not title etc. for book key where available

  • search functionality

  • service worker for offline work, background sync

  • better mobile interface

    • swipe book to change status or to edit
    • swipe between author and series view
  • desktop interface with more columns of lists

  • add dark mode? (see )

  • show books that are in the bin (sort by when binned? show when?), allow recovering, empty bin

  • after save could go forward not back in history (see todo in BookEdit.tsx)

  • top-level menu, about, version

  • instead of whole-screen "saving", "adding", "deleting" these should be just a spinner over the "save" or "delete" button

  • ci/cd deployment of server? (then fix notes below)

  • use prettier

  • resolved:

    • problem: books listed by author are not listed in order they should be read
    • solution: add first line of notes in collapsed book entry


See docs/ for documentation of the API.


The server is a Google cloud function; not deployed by CI/CD at the moment.

To deploy, you need to install the gcloud tools, configure at least the core/project and functions/region settings, and do the following:

cd server # if not already there

npm ci
npm run deploy

To run a local testing version, you'll need gcloud and datastore emulator, then run:

cd server # if not already there
npm run localds & # wait for the datastore emulator to start
npm run local


  • make changes and test them
  • update
  • commit
  • npm version patch/minor/major
  • git push
  • git push --tags