The repository contains the materials (i.e. agendas, slides, demos, exercises) for Apache Kafka™ and Kafka Streams workshops led by Jacek Laskowski.
The current version of the workshop may take up to 3 days and is intended for a variety of IT roles (e.g. developers, administrators, operators and architects).
The course is designed to help you master the essential aspects and operation of Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams in a fairly short time. After the course, you should have a clear understanding of Kafka with regard to administration, operation and application development.
No prior experience with Apache Kafka™ or Kafka Streams required.
- The Essentials of Apache Kafka (Architecture and Core Concepts)
- Working with Kafka Topics
- Replicas and In-Sync Replicas (ISRs)
- Managing Topics with
shell script
- Kafka Consumers, Consumer Groups, and Partition Rebalancing
- Kafka Configuration
- Kafka Server and Scheduled Recurring Tasks
- AdminClient
- Monitoring Kafka Cluster
- KafkaMetricsGroup
- Troubleshooting and Debugging
- LogManager and log.dirs (/tmp/kafka-logs) - Failure and Recovery
- Internals of KafkaServer and Other Services
- Kafka Security
- Kafka Producers and Consumers
- Developing Kafka Producers
- Developing Kafka Consumers
- Introduction to Kafka Streams (Core Concepts)
- StreamsBuilder -- High-Level Stream Processing DSL
- Topology -- Processor API
- StreamsConfig and Important Configuration Properties
- Kafka Streams API
- KStream, KTable, et al.
- Aggregation
- Join
- Stateful Stream Processing in Kafka Streams
- StateStore
- Testing Kafka Streams Applications
- Troubleshooting and Debugging