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STANNcam Manager

Brent Frymire edited this page May 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

Initializing STANNcam

To start using STANNcam I recommend creating a new dedicated persistent camera object, or you can also use any Persistent manager object you have.  

stanncam_init(game_w, game_h, [resolution_w], [resolution_h], [gui_w], [gui_h], [window_mode])

Initializes stanncam with different resolutions.

Argument Type Description
game_w Integer The width of the actual game, this will be scaled up to match the resolution
game_h Integer The height of the actual game, this will be scaled up to match the resolution
[resolution_w] Integer The window resolution width
Default: same as game_w
[resolution_h] Integer The window resolution height
Default: same as game_h
[gui_w] Integer The GUI width resolution, can be independent of the game res
Default: Same as game_w
[gui_h] Integer The GUI height resolution, can be independent of the game res
Default: Same as game_h

Returns: Undefined


// GUI by default is identical to the game resolution
// So if that's what we want we can just not specify it
stanncam_init(320, 240, 1920, 1080);

It also sets these global variables which you can use throughout your game afterwards.

Global Variable Description
global.stanncams Array containing all stanncam cameras
Default: -1
global.game_w Game width
global.game_h Game height
global.res_w Display resolution width, ie the final window size
global.res_h Display resolution height, ie the final window size
global.gui_w GUI width
global.gui_h GUI height



Remove all existing stanncam instances and removes the stanncam manager object. It's essentially the opposite of stanncam_init You can use this, if you halfway through your game for whatever reason want to stop using stanncam.

Argument Type Description
application_surface_draw_enable Boolean stanncam_init sets application_surface_drawing to false. This determines whether to re-enable application_surface_drawing or not when destroying stanncam
Default: true

Returns: Undefined


// Destroy stanncam. But don't re-enable application surface drawing

STANNcam Manager Methods

These methods control the global variables for STANNcam, and stuff such as resolution and setting whether the game should be fullscreened, borderless or windowed.


stanncam_set_resolution(resolution_w, resolution_h)

Changes the display resolution of the game. The game size will also scale to match the display resolution. This will keep everything looking pixel perfect!

Argument Type Description
resolution_w Integer Display/window resolution width
resolution_h Integer Display/window resolution height

Returns: Undefined



Sets the game's display mode.

Argument Type Description
window_mode STANNCAM_WINDOW_MODE Possible display modes:

Returns: Undefined



Sets the game to be displayed in a window.

Returns: Undefined



Sets the game to be displayed at full screen.

Returns: Undefined



Sets the game to be displayed in a borderless window.

Returns: Undefined



It sets whether the game should maintain it's aspect ratio. It is on by default.
If your game res is 640x480(4:3), but your display resolution is 1920x1080(16:9), then the game will be stretched out to match.
So if you don't want that you can toggle it on, this will effectively overwrite the display resolution to 1440x1080(4:3)

Argument Type Description
on_off Boolean Whether to enable maintaining aspect ratio

Returns: Undefined



Returns whether or not keep_aspect_ratio is enabled.

Returns: Boolean




If keep_aspect_ratio is turned on, and the window is wider than the resolution.
Then the game wouldn't match the display resolutions, and so when drawing the game there would be a lot of black space on the right of the screen.
This methods returns half of that empty space, so the drawing can be offset and appear in the middle of the screen.
The stanncam.draw method already uses this by default, so it's rarely needed.

Returns: Float


stanncam_set_gui_resolution(gui_w, gui_h)

Changes the GUI resolution of the game. It also updates global.gui_w and global.gui_h.

Argument Type Description
gui_w Integer Width of the GUI resolution
gui_h Integer Height of the GUI resolution

Returns: Undefined




How much bigger the GUI resolution is from the game resolution.

Returns: Float




How much bigger the Display resolution is from the game resolution.

Returns: Float



Toggles whether or not to pause the stanncam camera.

Returns: Undefined



Sets whether or not to pause the stanncam camera.

Argument Type Description
paused Boolean Whether to pause or unpause all stanncam camera pause states

Returns: Undefined



Pauses each stanncam camera.

Returns: Undefined



Unpauses each stanncam camera.

Returns: Undefined



Using STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS enum to return a preset resolution. They're simply presets for common screen resolutions and certain retro consoles. You can just as easily use your own resolution when initializing stanncam or creating new cameras.

A list of all the preset resolutions can be seen here

Argument Type Description
_preset_index STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS / Integer The index of the resolution preset to return

Returns: Struct


	//Initializes stanncam with a game resolution identical to a gameboy advance,
	//but when drawn it's scaled up to a modern 1920 x 1080
	var _gameboy_res = stanncam_get_preset_resolution(STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.GAME_BOY_ADVANCE_160P);
	stanncam_init(_gameboy_res.width, _gameboy_res.height, 1920, 1080);


stanncam_get_preset_resolution_range([start], end)

Works just like stanncam_get_preset_resolution but you instead supply start and end index, to return an array of specific resolution presets

A list of all the preset resolutions can be seen here

Argument Type Description
start STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS / Integer Starting index range Default: 0
end STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS / Integer Ending index range

Returns: Array<Struct>

Example: could be used to get list of resolutions to choose between in a graphics settings menu.

//This sets resolutions to an array containing
// DESKTOP_720P,DESKTOP_1366_X_768,DESKTOP_1080P, DESKTOP_1440P,
var _resolutions = stanncam_get_preset_resolution_range(STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.DESKTOP_720P,STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.DESKTOP_1440P);


//you can append multiple ranges together to cherry pick some specific resolutions
var _resolutions = stanncam_get_preset_resolution_range(STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.GAME_BOY_144P,STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.GAME_BOY_ADVANCE_160P);

array_push(_resolutions, stanncam_get_preset_resolution_range(STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.DESKTOP_720P,STANNCAM_RES_PRESETS.GAMDESKTOP_1080P));