This repo contains several .sty
files that together produce a Graduate School compliant dissertation for the University of Texas at Austin. I built it for my own dissertation, submitted to the Graduate School in the Summer of 2019.
Although I've included a .cls
file, all it does is extend the Memoir
class to include all of the .sty
files. Because not all dissertations have the same needs (e.g., I have to use a special citation format, and my advisor wanted double-spaced footnotes) I would recommend that you use the Memoir
class as the base of your dicument and include whichever packages make sense for your project. For example, the utexas-typography.sty
file includes specific font preferences for the langauges that I used for my dissertation (English, Hebrew, Aramaic, Geˁez, Greek, and special IPA/Transliteration fonts); it is likely that these lnagauges are not relevant to your work.
The utexas-dissertation-frontmatter.sty
file, however, you will almost certainly want to use. It defines all of the frontmatter (abstract, title page, copyright, supervisory coversheet, etc.)
To install these styles, you need to clone or download this repo and move this whole folder into your texmf/tex/latex
folder (or equivalent). You can then include individual styles with \usepackage{utexas-dissertation-[package]}
or use the .cls
file by declaring your doctype with \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt,oneside]{utexas-dissertation}
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% !TEX spellcheck = en-US
% !BIB program = biber
% Bibliographic Styles
% Document meta
\author{[Your Name Here]}
\date{[Month of Submission August, December, or May] YEAR}
\title{Your Title}
% utexas-dissertation-frontmatter specific meta
\institution{The University of Texas at Austin}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% Copyright Page Info
% Signature Page Details
\memberone{[Member #1]}
\membertwo{[Member #2]}
\memberthree{[Member #3]}
% Title Page