This project is used to create graphql schema by merging multiple graphql files and then optionally generate Java codes
By default this project uses graphqls file extensions. Use find and replace to change this
Place your graphql schema as describe in this file
Then on that folder. Run the following commands:
- cd jdnc-graphql
Change current directory to jdnc-graphql
- yarn install
You must be in jdnc-graphql directory
- npm run start
You must be in jdnc-graphql directory
Go to your localhost:3001 then pass an introspection query.
The introspection query can also be found in graphql-js
The result of the introspection query should be place in a file named schema.json in the jdnc-graphql-codegen.
After that, run the following commands:
- cd jdnc-graphql-codegen
Change current directory to jdnc-graphql-codegen
- yarn install
You must be in jdnc-graphql-codegen
- npm run start
You must be in jdnc-graphql-codegen