This GitHub webpage hosts the Data and Code supporting the end-of-chapter sample exercises for the eBook by Ian Castro and Christina Vanderwel, Turbulent Flows: An Introduction, IOP, 2021.
The examples are also used in the module SESA6061 Turbulence at the University of Southampton.
Documented MATLAB codes are provided illustrating the solutions to each exercise; however, students are encouraged to try to solve the data analysis exercises on their own, before looking at the worked solutions. We hope to also provide solutions in other programming languagues such as Python in the near future. If you would like to contribute or suggest improvement, please contact the author at [email protected].
All code is shared under the MIT license and you can share and adapt it freely.
Last updated: 04 January 2022
You may access all the question sets, data files, code, and analytical solutions directly from their associated repository folders or through the summary table below:
Sample Exercises | Data | Codes | Analytical Solutions |
Ch 1. Overall Introduction | Ex1.1: TurbulenceSample.txt | Ex1_1Solution.m | Coming soon… |
Ch 2. The governing equations | No Data Files | No Code required | |
Ch 3. The scales of motion | No Data Files | No Code required | |
Ch 4. Statistical functions and tools | Ex4.3, 4.4, 4.7: TurbulenceSample.txt Ex4.4, 4.7: NoiseSample.txt Ex4.5: TurbulenceSample2.txt |
Ex4_3Solution.m Ex4_4Solution.m Ex4_5Solution.m Ex4_7Solution.m |
Ch 5. Canonical turbulent flows | Ex5.1: HITData.txt Ex5.2: HSFData.txt |
Ex5_1Solution.m Ex5_2Solution.m |
Ch 6. Free turbulent shear flows | Ex6.2: MixingLayerData.txt Ex6.3: WakeData.txt |
Ex6_2Solution.m Ex6_3Solution.m |
Ch 7. Internal wall-bounded flows | Ex7.4: ChannelData.txt Ex7.5: PipeData.txt |
Ex7_4Solution.m Ex7_5Solution.m |
Ch 8. External wall-bounded flows | Ex8.1-8.2: TBLData.txt Ex8.3: RoughWallData.txt |
Ex8_1Solution.m Ex8_2Solution.m Ex8_3Solution.m |
Ch 9. Turbulent mixing | Ex9.4: PlumeData1.txt and PlumeData2.txt |
Ex9_4Solution.m |
Exercise | Data | Source |
Ex1.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7 | TurbulenceSample.txt | Hot-wire velocity measurements acquired in the University of Southampton 3x2 windtunnel |
Ex4.4, 4.7 | NoiseSample.txt | Computer-generated by the authors |
Ex4.5 | TurbulenceSample2.txt | Channel Flow data from Graham, Kanov, Yang, Lee, Malaya, Lalescu, Burns, Eyink, Szalay, Moser & Meneveau (2016) Journal of Turbulence 17(2):181-215. |
Ex5.1 | HITData.txt | A.A.Wray (1997) |
Ex5.2 | HSFData.txt | Tavoularis & Karnik (1989) J. Fluid Mech, 204:457–478. |
Ex6.2 | MixingLayerData.txt | Delville & Bonnet (1995) |
Ex6.3 | WakeData.txt | Nakayama (1985) J. Fluid Mech., 160:155-179. |
Ex7.4 | ChannelData.txt | Hoyas & Jimenez (2006) Phys. of Fluids, vol 18, 011702. |
Ex7.5 | PipeData.txt | Zagarola & Smits (1997) Physical Review Letters, Vol. 78, No. 1, pp.239-242. |
Ex8.1-8.2 | TBLData.txt | Schlatter & Orlu (2010) J. Fluid Mech., 659. |
Ex8.3 | RoughWallData.txt | Data curtesy of Karen Flack from Flack, Schultz, Barros, & Kim (2016). International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 61:21-30. |
Ex9.4 | PlumeData1.txt PlumeData2.txt | Author’s own data from Vanderwel & Tavoularis (2014). J. Fluid Mech., 754:488-514. |
The code in this repository is provided under MIT LICENSE which means you are free to use, copy, and modify the content to help you learn about turbulent flows.
For questions please contact Christina Vanderwel.