Releases: jakartaee/interceptors
Releases · jakartaee/interceptors
What's Changed
- Provide access to interceptor bindings from InvocationContext by @Ladicek in #99
- Update pom files, specifically set API version to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT by @arjantijms in #101
- Update spec pom by @arjantijms in #102
- [javadoc] Set h3 to h2 for implicit preceding heading by @hazendaz in #104
- More precise language for InvocationContext.getInterceptorBindings() by @Ladicek in #103
- Update parent pom to 1.0.9 and disable the check-module goal for now by @starksm64 in #105
- Clarify behavior of InvocationContext.getInterceptorBindings() in case of inherited/transitive bindings by @Ladicek in #106
- Update versions in poms to latest versions by @arjantijms in #107
- Set Jakarta Annotations dependency to the final 3.0.0 by @arjantijms in #109
New Contributors
- @ggam made their first contribution in #8
- @Ladicek made their first contribution in #99
- @hazendaz made their first contribution in #104
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Added automatic module name by @ggam in #8
- Changed groupId and artifactId. Fixes #6 (master) by @ggam in #10
- Changed groupId and artifactId. Fixes #9 (EE4J) by @ggam in #11
- Updated dependencies and fixed compilation on Java 10 by @ggam in #7
- Jakarta EE spec fixes and cleaning (formatting mostly) by @arjantijms in #12
- Merge master by @arjantijms in #14
- Update pom to 1.0.2, remove CDDL license, release and doc plugin by @arjantijms in #15
- Update jakarta artifacts, update parent to 1.0.4. by @bravehorsie in #16
- Update jakarta artifacts, update parent to 1.0.4. by @bravehorsie in #17
- Updated parent pom to 1.0.5 by @Cousjava in #18
- Update parent pom to 1.0.5 by @Cousjava in #19
- Version of spec-version-maven-plugin updated to 2.0. by @Tomas-Kraus in #24
- Version of spec-version-maven-plugin updated to 2.0. by @Tomas-Kraus in #23
- update dependencies by @lukasj in #26
- Merge 1.2.3 release info into EE4J_8. by @Tomas-Kraus in #27
- Boilerplate Spec for master Branch by @dblevins in #36
- Boilerplate Spec for EE4J_8 Branch by @dblevins in #37
- Merge branch 'EE4J_8' by @arjantijms in #38
- Fix poms and javadoc by @arjantijms in #39
- #30 Change project name to Jakarta Interceptors by @arjantijms in #40
- Prepare for 1.2.5 release by @arjantijms in #41
- #34 Independent API module by @arjantijms in #42
- Update to Jakarta EJB 3.2.6 by @arjantijms in #44
- Update to latest Jakarta dependencies by @arjantijms in #45
- Update Javadoc for latest Jakarta EE 8 requirements by @arjantijms in #46
- Update Javadoc doctitle to exclude version number by @arjantijms in #47
- Added Eclipse copyright to spec doc by @arjantijms in #48
- Merge final release branch for 1.2.5 by @arjantijms in #50
- Removed link to EJB javadoc and dependency by @Cousjava in #51
- javax.interceptor to jakarta.interceptor by @scottmarlow in #52
- Update the parent pom version to 1.0.6 to use the correct OSSRH settings by @starksm64 in #54
- Fix spec parent by @pzygielo in #55
- Formatting of poms by @arjantijms in #57
- EE4J parent to 1.0.6 for API by @arjantijms in #58
- #53 Update references to Jakarta and update poms by @arjantijms in #59
- #53 Prepare for RC1 by @arjantijms in #60
- #53 update Common Annotations to 2.0.0-RC1 by @arjantijms in #62
- #53 Prepare for RC2 release by @arjantijms in #63
- Add missing spec (outdated) by @Pandrex247 in #64
- Spec migration by @thadumi in #66
- Small pom cleanup by @arjantijms in #69
- Updated for final release by @arjantijms in #70
- Javadoc Jakarta update and pom version update by @arjantijms in #73
- EJB abbreviation removed by @hendrikebbers in #77
- Fix references to Enterprise Jakarta Beans by @arjantijms in #78
- Remove JAX-RPC reference by @dblevins in #79
- Update versions in poms by @arjantijms in #80
- Merge 2.0.0 release branch by @arjantijms in #83
- Add a module-info, #89 by @starksm64 in #90
- Corrects the URL for the Jakarta Interceptors development mailing list by @ljnelson in #86
- Update Jakarta annotations API to newest version. by @manovotn in #88
- Update dependency versions and tab to spaces by @arjantijms in #91
- Update version to 2.1 and set to JDK 11 as minimum by @arjantijms in #92
- Revert "Update version to 2.1 and set to JDK 11 as minimum" by @Emily-Jiang in #93
- Update for the 2.1 release. by @starksm64 in #94
- Need to rollback jakarta.annotation-api to 2.1.0-B1 for public RC release by @starksm64 in #95
- Provide access to interceptor bindings from InvocationContext by @Ladicek in #99
- Update pom files, specifically set API version to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT by @arjantijms in #101
- Update spec pom by @arjantijms in #102
- [javadoc] Set
for implicit preceding heading by @hazendaz in #104
New Contributors
- @ggam made their first contribution in #8
- @arjantijms made their first contribution in #12
- @bravehorsie made their first contribution in #16
- @Cousjava made their first contribution in #18
- @Tomas-Kraus made their first contribution in #24
- @lukasj made their first contribution in #26
- @dblevins made their first contribution in #36
- @scottmarlow made their first contribution in #52
- @pzygielo made their first contribution in #55
- @Pandrex247 made their first contribution in #64
- @thadumi made their first contribution in #66
- @hendrikebbers made their first contribution in #77
- @ljnelson made their first contribution in #86
- @manovotn made their first contribution in #88
- @Emily-Jiang made their first contribution in #93
- @hazendaz made their first contribution in #104
Full Changelog: