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Releases: jakartaee/mail-api

Jakarta Mail 2.1.3 Final Release

04 Mar 11:34
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The 2.1.3 release is a bug fix release of 2.1.x (Jakarta EE 10).

Following changes are included:

  • #631: Session.getService does not use proper classloader in OSGI environment
  • #665: Jakarta Mail erroneously assumes that classes can be loaded from Thread#getContextClassLoader
  • #694: SharedFileInputStream should comply with spec
  • #710: Cannot parse messages without a session
  • updates dependency on Jakarta Activation API jar to version 2.1.3 and angus-activation used by tests to 2.0.2

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.1.2...2.1.3

Jakarta Mail 2.1.2 Final Release

22 May 06:50
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The 2.1.2 release is a bug fix release of 2.1.x (Jakarta EE 10).

Following changes are included:

  • #629: jakarta.mail-api-2.1.0.jar does not work in OSGi environment (hk2servicelocator)
  • #635: The hk2 service loader is not used everywhere (where necessary)
  • #660: fix wrong class file version for package-info
  • #664: Typo in Session.setDebug Javadoc
  • adds missing javadoc descriptions
  • updates dependency on Jakarta Activation API jar to version 2.1.2 and angus-activation used by tests to 2.0.1

Full Changelog: 2.1.1...2.1.2

Jakarta Mail 2.1.1 Final Release

16 Jan 09:57
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The 2.1.1 release is a bug fix release of 2.1.0.

Following changes are included:

  • #621 - j.m.u.FactoryFinder.factoryFromServiceLoader needs PrivilegedAction
  • #598 - expected resource not found: /META-INF/
  • #594 - Implement equals() and hashcode() on jakarta.mail.Header
  • #630 - Use OSGi service loader mediator

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.1.1

Jakarta Mail 2.1.0 Final Release

03 May 19:44
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The 2.1.0 release provides API module only.

The implementation has been moved out from this project to the new Eclipse Angus project and lives in its own repository -

Project Board:
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0

Jakarta Mail 1.6.7 Final Release

08 Apr 13:10
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The 1.6.7 release is a bug fix release of the Jakarta Mail project
in the 1.x line, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements.
The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:

Please send feedback to [email protected].


The Jakarta Mail Team

Jakarta Mail 2.0.1 Final Release

08 Apr 12:22
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The 2.0.1 release is a bug fix release of the Jakarta Mail project
in the 2.x line, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements.
The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:


The Jakarta Mail Team

Jakarta Mail 1.6.6 Final Release

08 Mar 18:32
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The 1.6.6 release is a bug fix release of the Jakarta Mail project
in the 1.x line, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements.
The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:

Please send feedback to [email protected].


The Jakarta Mail Team

Jakarta Mail 2.0.0 Final Release

27 Oct 08:06
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The 2.0.0 release is the first release of the Jakarta Mail project using jakarta.mail.* package namespace. There are no bug fixes nor enhancements from previous release.
Applications should be able to switch to this new version fairly easily by just changing all imports that use javax.mail.* to instead use jakarta.mail.*.
The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail.

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:


The Jakarta Mail Team

Jakarta Mail 1.6.5 Final Release

12 Mar 01:52
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The 1.6.5 release is (hopefully) the last release of the Jakarta Mail project in the 1.x line, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements, including:

OAuth2 support for POP3

The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail.

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:

Jakarta Mail, like other parts of Jakarta EE, is moving to the jakarta.* package namespace.
This is a major change, and so the next release will be Jakarta Mail 2.0.0, which will be
included in Jakarta EE 9. Applications should be able to switch to this new version fairly
easily by just changing all imports that use javax.mail.* to instead use jakarta.mail.*. Note
that SNAPSHOT and Release Candidate versions of Jakarta Mail 2.0.0 are already available.


The Jakarta Mail Team

Jakarta Mail 1.6.4 Final Release

03 Sep 22:33
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The 1.6.4 release is the first release of the Jakarta Mail project
using the Jakarta EE Specification Process and includes several
bug fixes and enhancements, including:

  • Renaming of the project from JavaMail to Jakarta Mail
  • Support the NTLMv2 authentication protocol
  • Several fixes related to UTF-8 handling

The main jar file is located at com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail.

The full list of changes is here:

Please note the potential compatibility issues in this release:

Please send feedback to [email protected].


The Jakarta Mail Team