use epsscale script (PyX) may not work for all eps files (?)
use epsscale script (PS) or pstops directly problem with Bounding box eps2eps rasters the font!
Usage: epsscale [options...] input.eps input2.eps ...
Possible options are:
-s, --scalefactor define the scalefactor
-p, --ps use the postscript scaling tool
instead of the PyX tool
-r, --replace replaces the input files instead of
creating new ones (with _scale)
-h, --help print this help message
Uses the PyX library as default scaling tool. This library has to be available! Download and add to python-path variable if necessary.
Depending on the eps files either PyX of PS might not work due to some problems within the ps-code. Try the other one! The eps2eps call in the PS option leads to a rasterized font representation.