Aircraft positions received by OpenSky Network contributors as well as airports and airspaces are shown on a map.
The GeoJSON shapefile flightmap_europe_fir_uir_ec_only.json contains simplified
shapes of the FIRs and UIRs of all Eurocontrol member states.
It was created from the shapefile found at .
The shapefile was converted from SHP to GeoJSON by ogr2ogr -f geoJSON fir_uir_nm.json FirUir_NM/FirUir_NM.shp
. After that was called.
The GeoJSON shapefile flightmap_europe_fir_uir.json covers the whole world. However, the focus of this map is Europe. Distant airspaces are shown with less detail and are approximately merged according to the ICAO regions. It may not reflect the most recent situation as some publicly available data sources may be outdated. This file is generated using . It requires flightmap_europe_fir_uir_ec_only.json to be generated first. Further data sources are an GeoJSON API for FAA airspace boundary ( and another shapefile found at . The preparation script may be modified to show other regions in more detail.
The shapefile containing the airports for the static version of the map is created using . Data from is filtered and converted to GeoJSON.
The version of the map hosted at consists of HTML, CSS and JavaScript only. Airspaces and airports consist of static data. Aircraft positions are downloaded directly from OpenSky Network every 900s. Interactive controls providing flight route information for airports or aircraft are not available on this map.
Airports as well as flight routes are taken from the VRS database which is published daily. Clicking on an aircraft shows the current flight route while clicking on an airport shows all known destinations at once.
gunicorn or hypercorn (alternative to gunicorn+uvicorn which may run on windows)
fastapi uvicorn aiofiles
A crowd-sourced flight route database is available at .
Call to download the VRS database and to create a table FlightRoute.
The web interface and API is hosted using FastAPI. It could also be run as a Docker container.
gunicorn -w8 -b backend_fastapi:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
hypercorn -w8 -b backend_fastapi:app
The number of workers is defined via the -w argument. Instead of using multiple workers the --reload argument would restart the worker as soon as any source code is changed.
docker build -t flightmap_europe_simple ./
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --mount src=`pwd`/flightroutes,target=/app/flightroutes,type=bind flightmap_europe_simple
or for the alpine based image which consumes less disk space (recommended):
docker build -t flightmap_europe_simple:alpine -f Dockerfile.alpine ./
docker run -d -p 8000:80 --mount src=`pwd`/flightroutes,target=/app/flightroutes,type=bind flightmap_europe_simple:alpine
Instead of building the image, you may try to download it from Simply use jaluebbe/flightmap_europe_simple or jaluebbe/flightmap_europe_simple:alpine as image to run.
You'll find an interative map at . You may click on airports to show all known destinations. A click on an aircraft shows its current route if it is known. Alternatively, you may enter a callsign to show the respective flight route. Searching for an operator ICAO shows all known connections of this operator.
An interactive flightsearch is available at . You may click on two loction on the map to set origin an destination of you trip. Now select the maximum acceptable distance between origin, destination and the respective airports. Finally, select the maximum acceptable number of stops and filter for an airline alliance if required.