Fast Depth of Coverage Analyser (for BAM, BED files)
Version 1.0.3
Installation and execution:
Download the program ('Download ZIP button') and unzip it.
To run the program only the file depth-cover.jar is needed.
Execute depth-cover with:
java -XmxMAX_MEMORY_ALLOCATION -jar depth-cover.jar -bam BAM_FILE [OPTIONS]
Options are detailed in the help. To see the help type:
java -jar depth-cover.jar
depth-cover consumes files in BAM format. By default it calculates the coverage of the genome used
for the alignemnt. Optionally, it accepts a BED file to calculate the coverage in specific interval(s)
[-bed option]. To calculate the coverage without taking into account the Ns in the reference a FASTA
file can be provided [-fasta option].
depth-cover produces 4 output files:
*.summary.csv - number of reads and the mean coverage per genome and chromosomes / intervals.
*.coverage.csv - coverage per genome / intervals.
*.breakdown.csv - coverage per chromosome / interval.
*.details.csv - coverage per locus (optional).
Performance and requirements:
depth-cover is several orders of magnitude faster than other tools. Execution time and memory
consumption depend on the size of the BAM file. In a modern desktop computer, it can process
15-30 million reads per minute.
Recommended memory allocation is 15% - 50% of the size of the BAM file - i.e.: if your BAM is 10Gb,
execute like:
java -Xmx2g -XX:+UseParallelGC -jar depth-cover.jar ARGUMENTS
The JVM option -XX:+UseParallelGC is not mandatory, but usually it is a good idea (particularly, if
memory is a scarce resource).
If the BAM file is indexed and bigger than 4 Gb, and there is enough memory, depth-cover will read
the chromosomes in parallel, performing up to 50% faster.
The parallel reader makes intensive use of CPU and RAM.
If you use a shared computer, you might want to disable it with the --ignore-index option.
Troubleshooting and known issues:
If the parallel reader is enabled (see above) and one chromosome has zero reads, depth-cover will hang.
The --ignore-index flag solves this issue.
Processing intervals in a not indexed BAM file takes as much time as it would take for the whole genome.
It is highly recommended to use indexed BAM files for interval processing.
depth-cover uses samtools-1.108. Any bug in this library might affect depth-cover as well.
Note for developers:
Not all the resources for unit tests are included. This means that if you try to run 'mvn install'
it will fail. The missing resources are available under request.