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Alpha v0.2.0

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@james7132 james7132 released this 21 Mar 16:49
· 169 commits to master since this release

Required Unity Version: 5.0.0f4


  • DanmakuField is now a sealed and concrete class.
  • No more than one DanmakuField can be attached to a GameObject now.
  • DanmakuField does not need an external camera, it now comes with one built in.
  • DanmakuField does not need a set of ProjectileBoundaries to rid of out of bounds projectiles.
  • DanmakuField now comes with a clipping distance setting that removes all bullets not inside.
  • DanmakuField now has two cameras 2D and 3D.
  • DanmakuField's 2D camera can only be rotated.
  • DanmakuField's 3D camera is external and can be controlled elsewhere.
  • DanmakuField is now tied directly to the Z=0 plane and cannot be moved (this is done for optimization's sake).
  • IProjectileGroupControllers were merged into IProjectileControllers


  • Added custom editor for DanmakuField
  • Added sorting layers /sorting layer IDs to MeshRenderers
  • Added ControlledBurst for a Burst implementation that used a custom ProjectileControlBehavior as it's controller
  • [IN PROGRESS] Added AnimationCurveController to see if it was possible to control bullets using Animation Curves.
  • Added FireData struct for passing back fired projectiles and their controllers in a strongly typed manner
  • Projectile and ProjectileManager optimzied even further.


  • Removed PhantasmagoriaField.
  • Removed Projectile property from IProjectileController, it was not a necessary part of the interface
  • Removed ProjectileController class, it was redundant.