This is a tool to help solve Sudoku puzzles. It does not solve them for you, nor does it generate puzzles. It includes a collection of pre-built puzzles and allows you to enter custom puzzles.
The included functionality is relatively simple:
- Highlights selected row, column, and section.
- Allows "pencil marks".
- Highlights related pencil marks.
- Undo and redo.
- Highlight conflicts.
- Solution detection - you'll know if you solved the puzzle.
Try it out here.
At the moment, soduko includes 95 stock puzzles shamelessly stolen from
Work on your own puzzles by entering them as a custom puzzle. Custom puzzles must be 81 characters long and consist only of the numbers 1-9, and either "." or "0" representing blanks.
For example:
represents the following puzzle:
. 8 . |. 4 . |. . .
3 . . |. . . |. 1 .
. . . |. . . |. 2 .
. . 5 |. . . |4 . 6
9 . . |1 . . |8 . .
2 . . |. . . |. . .
. . . |3 . 9 |. . .
. 6 . |. . . |5 . .
. . . |2 . . |. . .
soduko was built with React (via create-react-app), Material-UI, and Styled Components.
Launch a development server at http://localhost:3000 using the following commands:
$> yarn
$> yarn start
Build a production package using the following commands:
$> yarn build