Since it's only typically a matter of time before these appear - AND because they're pretty useful - it seems pertinent to try this directly.
This set of scripts constructs a small shell environment within a running Fn serverless function.
In order to use it, you'll need a bastion to use as a jump-host.
The idea is simple: the function sets up an outgoing ssh connection to the jump-host. Once attached, it constructs a reverse tunnel which feeds ssh connections back to an ssh server running inside the function.
By continually invoking the function, the shell can be kept alive and active.
(This is based upon an idea demoed in a talk for the local "Bris-Tech" group given in July 2018.)
First, you'll need to set up your bastion host. I'd recommend that you put this on the same subnet that your functions will appear on, to keep communication between the function and the jump-host private.
Supposing that you have a host whose default user is opc
(here we
will indeed be using a private subnet for Fn <-> jumphost communication):
./set-up-app -h -u opc
Add the generated public key to that host, together with the private key used to authenticate the connection in the other direction:
scp h_to_f opc@jumphost
ssh opc@jumphost sh -c 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
# When someone tells you to do something like this, be certain you understand the implications!
Run the loop to keep the function active.
On the jumphost, you should see a listening port open waiting for your connection. You can then get back into the function container and look around:
[opc@jumphost ~]$ ssh -v -p 9999 -i h_to_f -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@localhost
f9be91b59137:~# ps
1 root 0:00 /dev/init -- /start
6 root 0:00 ./func
7 root 0:00 {start} /bin/sh /start
19 root 0:00 dropbear -R -E -s -p 9999
26 root 0:00 ssh -v -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i /tmp/.ssh/id_rsa -R9999:localhost:999
49 root 0:00 dropbear -R -E -s -p 9999
50 root 0:00 -ash
53 root 0:00 ps