Performed FastQC
Performed MultiQC
Trimmed Barcodes
Performed FastQC on Trimmed Sequences
Performed MultiQC on Trimmed Sequences
The biggest indicator of successful removal of adapters is the Adapter Content plot:
Before Trimming | After Trimming |
Used STAR Aligner
Indexed BAM with Samtools Index, and FeatureCounts
Here we specify strandness:
0: Not stranded
1: Stranded
2: Reversely stranded
For Collibri, use 1 as it is stranded.
For KAPA, use 2 as it is reversely stranded.
- Used DESeq2 to Perform Differential Expression (DE) Analysis Comparing UHRR vs HBR
As a result, obtained DE genes with p-adjusted values:
Also, volcano plots:
It has a Snakemake file, which will create the plot.
- Performed PCA Using DE Genes
It is clear that HBR and UHRR samples are separated into two distinct clusters.
More details and figures in separate deseq2.md
- Performed GSEA Using fgsea
We should use shrunken fold changes.
Performing on Reactome pathways did not give promising results, so performed on KEGG pathways.
Collibri showed slightly better results (with smaller p-adjusted values) than KAPA but found similar pathways. Some pathways were related to cancer: