Export multiple layers from GIMP to a spritesheet (png+xml).
- Only visible layers will be exported
- Layers with name in brackets are used as a background for every sprite
- File > Export Spritesheet
- Select output directory
- Spritesheet .png and .xml metadata will be exported (filename same as GIMP file).
- All sprites need to be the same size
- Sprites will be ordered to form a square, roughly
<TextureAtlas imagePath='spritesheet.png'>
<SubTexture name='shifty' x='0' y='0' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='hey' x='32' y='0' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='suspicious' x='64' y='0' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='scared' x='0' y='32' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='excited' x='32' y='32' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='wow' x='64' y='32' width='32' height='32'/>
<SubTexture name='normal' x='0' y='64' width='32' height='32'/>
Use XML Texture Atlas Slicer to automatically slice spritesheet into individual named sprites.