npm install
to install all dependencies
npm start
to run the development server
npm run build
to build app for production to the build
- Actual login (CAS) and server-side saving of data
- Ability to start a new SOA (while keeping old ones)
- Ability to copy job functions from previous SOA to new one
- Text entry fields should clear when you click into them (e.g., [Specific Example]).
- Selecting an existing behavioral indicator should bring up the selector to change it.
- Ability to change competency and behavioral indicator for an entry
- Ability to have more than one instance of a competency within a job function/achievement/goal
- Make impact statement optional
- Get rid of "Also, " at the start of subsequent statements.
- Guided mode that walks someone through copy-and-paste of job functions from PD and goals from previous year's EPAR would be helpful.
- Guided mode to assist with copy-and-paste of information from EPARLibs to actual (crappy) EPAR app
- Indicator of operational/mastery level for behavioral indicators
- Maybe a tabbed interface for switching between job functions/achievements/goals?
- Not quite sure how to implement this while keeping simplicity, but more flexibility in structuring individual statements, such as free text not constrained by MadLibs format
- Periodic email reminders (maybe individually configurable) to add items to your SOA throughout the year.
- Work with central HR to get an API into the actual EPAR application so that one can just click "Upload my SOA" to move data from EPARLibs into EPAR.
- A small, animated paperclip that makes helpful suggestions as you type . . . wait, no.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.