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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 29, 2022. It is now read-only.

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This pertains to PocketMine's API 3.x.y changes in comparison to API 2.x.y
This pertains to PocketMine's API 4.x.y changes in comparison to API 3.x.y
This pertains to backwards compatibility breaks in the API
Category: Bug
Category: Bug
This is a bug in the code!
Category: Enhancement
Category: Enhancement
This makes the code quality better
Category: Feature Request
Category: Feature Request
This feature may or may not be added in the future
Category: Suggestion
Category: Suggestion
Category: Translation Problem
Category: Translation Problem
This pertains to one of the available Translations
PR: Bug Fixes
PR: Bug Fixes
PR: Feature Additions
PR: Feature Additions
PR: Translation
PR: Translation
This Pull Request adds or improves a language translation
Priority: High
Priority: High
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Resolution: Did not fill out issue template
Resolution: Did not fill out issue template
You left the issue template there but didn't fill it out entirely
Resolution: Did not follow Issue Template
Resolution: Did not follow Issue Template
This issue didn't follow the template and is invalid
Resolution: Done
Resolution: Done
Resolution: Duplicate
Resolution: Duplicate
This issue already exists! Use the search bar would ya?!
Resolution: Fixed in another branch
Resolution: Fixed in another branch
Resolution: Fixed
Resolution: Fixed
Resolution: Invalid Bleeding Edge Build
Resolution: Invalid Bleeding Edge Build
You are using an unsupported PocketMine-MP version which has not been released yet
Resolution: Invalid
Resolution: Invalid
This is just wrong. There might be multiple ways it's wrong, but it's still wrong.
Resolution: Obsolete
Resolution: Obsolete
The issue got too old :P
Resolution: Outdated Plugin
Resolution: Outdated Plugin
The plugin version you are using is outdated! You can find the new one on poggit.
Resolution: Third Party Issue
Resolution: Third Party Issue
It's not this plugin's problem. It's a third party issue.
Resolution: Unable to be Reproduced
Resolution: Unable to be Reproduced
The issue was unable to be reproduced in a clean testing environment
Resolution: Unsupported Custom Installation
Resolution: Unsupported Custom Installation
The user did not use an official phar from poggit
Resolution: Used wrong Issue Template
Resolution: Used wrong Issue Template
An invalid template was used and the required info to resolve is missing
Resolution: Won't Fix
Resolution: Won't Fix
Resolution: +1 year
Resolution: +1 year
This pertains to the number of years before plot merging will be added.
Status: Confirmed
Status: Confirmed