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Config File Setup

jasonwynn10 edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 5 revisions

You can configure MyPlot to your needs by editing the config.yml file found in the plugin-data\MyPlot directory. A description of each setting is explained here:

Setting Explanation
language This is the language that will be used in all the features of the MyPlot Plugin.
DataProvider This is the type of system that will be used to save the Plot Worlds data.
MySQLSettings Contains the settings that will be used if the DataProvider setting is set to mysql.
UseEconomy This needs to be set to true if you want to use economy features in plotworlds.
PlotCacheSize The amount of plots that will be saved in the cache for better performance.
NOTE: The higher this number is, the more memory the server will occupy.
ShowPlotPopup When a player enters a plot and this setting is true, a popup with basic info about the plot will be shown.
ClearBlocksPerTick This is the amount of blocks to be reset in a plot per tick.
NOTE: The higher this number is, the more lag will be generated from clearing and resetting plots.
Generator This is the name of the Generator that will be used to generate new plot worlds.
DefaultWorld These settings will be used when creating a new world with the Default MyPlot Generator.
RestrictEntityMovement This setting will allod or disallow the movement of entities within the plot world.
ClaimPrice This is the price a plot costs to be claimed. This is only applied when UseEconomy is set to true.
ClearPrice This is the price a plot costs to be cleared. This is only applied when UseEconomy is set to true.
DisposePrice This is the price a plot costs to be disposed of. This is only applied when UseEconomy is set to true.
ResetPrice This is the price a plot costs to be reset. This is only applied when Economy is set to true.
PlotSize This is the length and width of each plot generated.
GroundHeight This is the distance from the lowest block in the world where the surface floor will be.
RoadWidth This is the distance between plots that makes up the road.
RoadBlock This is the block id of the road floor.
WallBlock This is the block id of the plot walls.
PlotFloorBlock This is the block id of the plots surface block.
PlotFillBlock This is the block id that will fill the plot under the surface.
BottomBlock This is the block id that will make up the bottom block of the world.
# ___  ___       ______  _         _    #
# |  \/  |       | ___ \| |       | |   # 
# | .  . | _   _ | |_/ /| |  ___  | |_  #
# | |\/| || | | ||  __/ | | / _ \ | __| #
# | |  | || |_| || |    | || (_) || |_  #
# \_|  |_/ \__, |\_|    |_| \___/  \__| #
#           __/ |                       #
#          |___/                        #

# The language pack that will be used for MyPlot
# Available languages: eng, nl, vi, spa, chs, zho, deu
# English language pack by @Exxarion
# Dutch language pack by @Wies
# Vietnamese language pack by @daany123
# Spanish language pack by @thelucyclub
# Chinese ( ROC ) pack by @jerryzooyoyo
# Chinese ( PRC ) pack by @jerryzooyoyo
# German language pack by @SalmonGER
language: eng

# The data provider where plot data is stored.
# Current providers are: sqlite, mysql.
DataProvider: sqlite

# contains settings for mysql provider to use when selected
  Port: 19133
  Username: default
  Password: password
  DatabaseName: plots.db

# Use an economy with MyPlot. This will allow for plot pricing such as claiming, clearing, etc.
# Currently supported economy plugins: Economy$, PocketMoney
# MyPlot will use any economy plugin found on the server.
# Be sure not to use more than 1 economy plugin!
UseEconomy: true

# Amount of plots to be cached.
# Increasing this number might improve performance, but also increase memory usage.
PlotCacheSize: 100

# When a player enters a plot, a popup with basic info will be shown
ShowPlotPopup: true

# Amount of blocks to reset per tick.
# Increasing this number will speed up '/p clear' and '/p reset' but also increases lag
ClearBlocksPerTick: 256

# These settings will be used when creating a new world.

  # Restrict entities (e.g. tnt) from moving except falling
  # This will prevent things like tnt cannons ruining other plots
  RestrictEntityMovement: true

  # How much it costs to claim a plot (Economy must be set to 'true')
  ClaimPrice: 50
  # How much it costs to clear a plot (Economy must be set to 'true')
  ClearPrice: 0
  # How much it costs to dispose a plot (Economy must be set to 'true')
  DisposePrice: -50
  # How much it costs to reset a plot (Economy must be set to 'true')
  ResetPrice: -50

  # The size of a plot
  PlotSize: 22
  # The height of a plot
  GroundHeight: 64
  # The width of the road
  RoadWidth: 7

  # The block that the road is made of (Default is Oak Planks)
  RoadBlock: '5:0'
  # The block that plot walls are made of (Default is Stone Slabs)
  WallBlock: '44:0'
  # The block used as the plot floor (Default is Grass)
  PlotFloorBlock: '2:0'
  # The block that fills the rest of the plot (Default is Dirt)
  PlotFillBlock: '3:0'
  # The block at the bottom (Default is Bedrock)
  BottomBlock: '7:0'
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