Docker image of FRR based on Alpine.
This image is intended as an example on how to compile FRR with a custom configuration (particularly --disable-capabilities
in order to circumvent FRRouting/frr#8681, and without some modules I didn't use)
Alpine and keepalived versions are configured in Makefile:
Alpine 3.19 requires PIP_ARGS=--break-system-packages
The compiled binaries are available under /compiled
and can be included in a multistage build by adding:
FROM jgodoy/frr:latest AS frr
COPY --from=frr /compiled /
RUN apk add --no-cache pcre libyang protobuf-c json-c c-ares iproute2 bash && \
sh /usr/frr.pre-install && \
usermod -u 1000 frr