This is a small webapp to track the errors thrown in your javascript apps
First edit file and change SITE_CODE var to one you like. Keep it secret.
First deploy this djando app in your server. You can do it in heroku (see heroku setup)
add the next tracking code in your aplication:
(function() {
var SERVER = '';
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = SERVER + '/js/error_track.js?s=' + encodeURI(SERVER);
- point your browser to http://youserver/SITE_CODE. SITE_CODE is the variable you set in the first step.
install heroku gem
$ gem install heroku
create the app:
$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ git push heroku master
create database
$ heroku run python app/ syncdb
don't forget to change variable SERVER in the tracker snippet to the url that heroku provides you
that's all, enjoy